A Yoga Stretch for Runners (and everyone else, too!)


A couple of months ago in a yoga class, I learned this amazing technique to release tension and tightness in your calves. I’ve shared it with a couple of clients who have issues with their Achilles and Plantar Fasciitis, who have used it to great effect. I feel like this stretch is particularly helpful for runners, since we sometimes forget to pay attention to our calves – we always focus on our tight hamstrings instead. But, please try it whether you’re a runner, or not! We can all use some tension relief, right?

After running the Brooklyn Half Marathon on the weekend, the one place I really felt sore afterwards was my calves. I grabbed a towel for this ‘stretch’ (I don’t know what else to call it – I guess it’s technically self-myofascial release, but that seems like a bit of a mouthful for a blog post title) and felt immediate relief.

Yoga Stretch for Runners - relieve tension and tightness in your calves and hamstrings

It’s that simple!

You can use a towel, or anything you can roll up instead of a yoga blanket, if you’re at home – just make sure it’s rolled very tight, so it is firm against your muscles. You want your thighs to be hip-width apart, or slightly wider, so you can sit back between your feet.

The blanket should be right in the crease behind your knee, as close in as possible. Try it with a yoga block (or anything of a similar height) to sit on at first and don’t be surprised if you need it on the tallest height when you first try this. I’ve been using this stretch regularly for a couple of months and I’m just now starting to try it without the block. Why? Because it hurts!! It hurts like a sports massage, or like foam rolling your IT Band. You have no idea your muscles are even tight until you start.

You may also feel a good stretch along the front of your lower leg, and the tops of your feet, depending on how tight those muscles are. Try to hold the position until you feel some kind of ‘loosening up’ sensation in your muscles.


(Or, more accurately, suffer, then enjoy the after-effects!)

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