Cheat Days – who are you cheating on, anyway?

I wrote a post today for Working (out) Mama on The Stir on cheat days. You know what I’m talking about, where you have one day a week to eat whatever you want? I know people swear by them – there are even certain diets that build them into their eating plans. Find out if I’m a fan, or not…! I’d love your feedback.

cheat days ffd

This week on Fit Mama Friday I’m featuring another guest blogger, Jackie from Mind Body Mom. Jackie is all about finding the balance in life between being a mama and a woman – taking care of your body, mind and soul. I love her holistic approach to health and fitness, so I’m thrilled she’s sharing her fitness story with us!

Also this week, I’m interviewing a Reiki Master who has just begun her own treatment business in New York. Reiki fascinates me, but I’ve only had one very short experience with it, at a corporate health fair, of all places. I’m really curious to find out more about it and of course share that with you guys! Look for that post in a couple of weeks.

Marathon training is going great (by that I mean, I have a couple extra rest days built in this week, woo hoo!). My mother-in-law is also in town this week visiting, so we’re getting some quality Grandma time in. πŸ™‚

So tell me – do you do ‘cheat days’? Do they work for you?Β 

Have you ever tried Reiki or energy healing?

1 thought on “Cheat Days – who are you cheating on, anyway?”

  1. I don’t have a “cheat” day because I don’t ever completely make things off limits – I just go with moderation.

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