Marathon Training Week 15 Update – The Big Reveal

Maybe I don’t remember what tapering was like the last time I ran the marathon (or maybe I successfully blocked it out), but I have been feeling a bit grouchy at a loss without my longer runs and packed schedule. Every single one of my runs this week I did ‘as you feel’ – I still wore my watch so I could check my time and splits afterwards, but I didn’t look at it once throughout any run. Yesterday I finally nailed running as you feel – I felt good and fresh and decided to try 4 miles at marathon pace. Not only did I have the pace right, every split was within 1 second of each other.

Marathon Training Update Week 15

So – what’s ‘The Big Reveal‘ from the title? Well, when I originally started writing these marathon training updates, I never planned on revealing what my goal for the marathon was, or whether I had a time I wanted. It all seemed like such an impossible dream back 15 weeks ago, when I was slogging through my first runs in the brutal heat and on the treadmill. But I’ve decided that whether I achieve it or not, it’s important for me to reveal my goal. There have been several times during this whole training plan when I’ve wanted to cut a run short, or skip a workout, or dial back on a prescribed pace and I HAVEN’T. Why? Because I knew I would write about it for my Monday update post, and I knew I would tell you guys the truth. So instead of cheating the plan and having to tell you, I pushed through so I could write, ‘It was hard, it sucked, I wasn’t feeling it, but I did it anyway!’ (P.S: Thank you, just for reading and commenting and being my invisible support system out there).

So I’ll reveal my goal, because I want to be able to come back after the race and honestly tell you whether I made it or not. I want you to know what I’m hoping to do so you know what I’m pushing for as you track me on Marathon Sunday. And you can all celebrate or commiserate with me when you come back to read my recap.

In 2010, I ran 4:01:46. My marathon training was nowhere near as good back then as it is this time around, because I had a recurrent IT Band Syndrome injury that prevented a couple of long runs and meant my peak training weeks ended up being mid-20 miles total. I also injured myself during the race and ended up on crutches with torn adductors afterwards. Yet, the NYRR Virtual Training Plan I’m following this year suggests I will probably finish just a hair under 4:00. And to that, I give them a great big, WHATEVS.

My goal is threefold:

I want to PR
I want to break 4 hours
I want to break 4 hours EASILY. I’d love to get 3:55, with a good few minutes to spare.Β 

So, now you know!! Despite feeling during tapering like I’m not running enough and what if I lose my fitness and I barely remember that 21-miler now….I still feel like I can do this. I feel like I can get this.

LONG RUN: Barely a long run, I did 9 (SLOW) miles in Prospect Park Friday. Originally it was reported the whole Β park would be closed for President Obama’s helicopter to land for his visit to Brooklyn, but it was just a small portion, so a couple of laps were no problem. And one small boy was very excited when were were out on our stoop later that day and saw three enormous helicopters returning to DC, flying overhead. We waved at the President. I’m sure he saw us. πŸ˜‰


Do you tell people your time goal when you race?

8 thoughts on “Marathon Training Week 15 Update – The Big Reveal”

  1. I’m seriously so excited for you running NYC! I told people my goal time for my marathon in Oakland and I ended up going WAY over. I kind of wished after that I had kept my goal to myself, but in the end I was like who cares?! I just ran a freakin’ marathon! πŸ™‚ What’s your bib number for this weekend? I’m so excited for you!!
    Heidi @ Idlehide recently posted…Week 27!My Profile

    1. Heidi, I woke up the day that post was scheduled and thought, “Oh noooo!! What have I done?” I almost wished I kept it a secret, because anything can happen in a marathon. But I figured, this way I’m being honest, and if I don’t make it, I will most definitely post about how that makes me feel!! My bib # is 27394 – track me! πŸ™‚

  2. Awesome to nail your goal pace so consistently on a training run! Definitely sounds like you’re ready. And yes, I do like sharing my goals too… it helps me own it by putting it out there, and no one cares if you don’t hit it… good and bad races happen to all of us. Best of luck!!
    Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted…To treadmill or not to treadmillMy Profile

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