3 Awesome At-Home Workouts - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options for when you want to work out, but you're stuck at home!

3 Awesome At Home Workouts

Sometimes it’s just tough to get out of the house for a workout. This weekend was the first time since winter took hold up here in Vermont that I looked around out on my run and thought, “It’s time I could take Baby T out for some stroller running.” The snow is finally melted and it opens me up to more outdoor running and working out. Without that option available, there have been many weeks where if I didn’t work out in my living room, it just wasn’t going to happen. That in mind, I put together three at home workouts for you (which are similar to what I get done during nap time).

If you’re stuck indoors or have limited time because you’re parenting full time or working at home, you shouldn’t feel like you need to get a full workout done to make it count. It all counts. Healthy habits are formed through making them part of your routine, so even if you’re getting a mini workout done, it’s the getting-it-done part that’s important! 

I’ve split these up into beginner, intermediate and advanced workout options. Since these are bodyweight workouts, if you have weights available at home, you can always progress these workouts by adding weights. 

If you’re short on time and not sure how well you’ll be able to get through the workout, try 2 sets of 15 reps for each circuit. If you feel up to a challenge, try 4 sets of 10 reps of each circuit. Between circuits, rest for a minute (grab water if you need it!). 

While I am a certified personal trainer, I am not your personal trainer. The advice and workouts I offer on my blog are not meant to be ‘one-size-fits-all’ exercise. You should always consult your doctor if you’re about to start a new exercise program.


3 Awesome At Home Workouts - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options for when you want to work out, but you're stuck at home!



Stand up squats: Take a seat on the edge of a couch or chair, stand up, then push your hips back to lower back to a seated position. This is basically a squat with an ‘assist’.

Elevated push ups: Push ups with your hands on a bench, table, or couch.

Wall sit: With your back against a wall (shoulder blades back, the back of your head, shoulder blades and butt in contact with the wall), lower down until your legs are bent at 90 degrees. Hold this position for 20 – 60 seconds (longer if you can make it!).

Plank: In a forearm plank position, with butt squeezed tight, hold still for 20 – 60 seconds (longer if you can make it!). 


Bridges: Lay on your back on a mat, feet on the mat and knees bent. Slowly raise your hips up in the air and lower down, squeezing your butt as you raise. 

Dead bugs: Lay on your back on a mat, hands stretched above your head and legs out straight. Raise one leg and the opposite arm up straight to meet in your center, lower back to start, repeat on the other side. (To modify: Try this with knees bent, reaching your hand to the opposite knee.)

Donkey kicks: In all fours position, raise one bent leg up, pushing the sole of your foot toward the ceiling. Squeeze your butt as you raise. Repeat on the other side.

Plank flutters: In a forearm plank position, raise one straight leg up, repeat on the other side.

3 Awesome At Home Workouts - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options for when you want to work out, but you're stuck at home!



Froggers: In a hand plank position, jump feet up to the outside of your hands. Take hands and raise them up overhead while you sit back in a deep frog squat. Hands back down, jump back to plank.

Plank up downs: Start in hand plank position, then lower one forearm to the ground, the other forearm, then back up to a hand plank one arm at a time.

One legged bridges: Lay on your back with feet on the mat and knees bent, hands by your sides. Extend one leg, with knees together, then raise your hips, squeezing your glutes as you raise. Lower back to the floor.

Inchworms: Get into a downward dog position. Start ‘walking’ your hands forward inch by inch until you are in a plank position. Then walk your feet forward (keep your legs straight), until you’re back in the downward dog. If you have space, you can keep moving forward along the floor repeating this series – if not, reverse the exercise so you keep going forward and backward in the inchworms.


Bulgarian Squats: Stand facing away from a couch or a chair. Reach back with one foot and place on the edge of the seat, then hop forward until your back leg is extended behind you. Lower down into a squat, keeping your weight over your hips.

Lateral lunges: From a standing position, lunge out to one side, pushing your hips back as you shift your weight over the lunging leg. Push into the lunging foot to come back up to a standing position. 

One legged wall sit: With your back against a wall (shoulder blades back, the back of your head, shoulder blades and butt in contact with the wall), lower down until your legs are bent at 90 degrees. Then extend one leg and hold for 30 seconds. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Split squat chop: In a split squat position with arms raised over one shoulder, lower your straight arms down in a chop over the outside of the forward leg, as you squat down. Bring your arms up as you stand.

3 Awesome At Home Workouts - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options for when you want to work out, but you're stuck at home!



Stand ups from mat: Kneel on a mat (you may want to have a towel or padding under your knees). Step one foot forward, then stand, without using your hands. Return to kneeling, repeat with your other leg stepping forward.

Sumo squat jumps: Get into a sumo stance (wide legs, feet angled out 45 degrees). Squat down, then jump up at the top of the squat, landing on the balls of your feet.

Burpees: Start in a hand plank position. Jump your feet to the front of the mat, then jump up. Bring your hands back down to the mat, jump your feet back to a plank position, then do a push up. (There are tons of burpees variations you can find online, so feel free to regress or progress this move based on your fitness level.)

Spiderman lunges with push ups: Start in a hand plank position. Step one foot out to the side with a bent knee, trying to step your foot close to your hand. Repeat on the other side, then do a push up in place.


Side plank stars: Get into a side plank position (either forearm or hand). From here, raise your top arm and leg up straight toward the ceiling. Lower back slowly to the start.

Push up shuffle: Start in hand plank position. Now place one hand out wider, then step out with the foot on that side so you’re in a very wide stance. Step your other foot and hand in to come back to a hand plank position, then do a push up. Repeat going the other way.

Cobra plank lowers: Start lying face down on the mat, with hands palms down on the mat at chest level, elbows tucked in. Press yourself up into a mini cobra position, then push through your toes to come up into a hand plank. Now very slowly lower yourself down to the mat, elbows in tight, keeping a strong plank position the whole time.

Split squat jumps: Get into a split squat stance. Squat down, then jump up at the top of the squat, landing on the balls of your feet. Repeat on the other side.

What’s your biggest challenge for working out at home?

3 Awesome At Home Workouts - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced options for when you want to work out, but you're stuck at home!

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