Carly Pizzani

How Emotions Can Make You Sick (and what you can do about it). Ever noticed the physiological affect emotion can have on your body? Butterflies in your stomach, stress headaches, sweaty palms, raised blood pressure - these and other physical effects, even illness, can be caused by your emotional state. A Reiki Master explains why this happens and how you can cleanse yourself of blocked emotion to improve your health.

How Emotions Can Make You Sick (and what you can do about it) [Guest Post]

Kristin Deiss is almost a regular guest writer for me now! Kristin is a good friend, who happens to be a Master Reiki practitioner, a yoga instructor and an all-round smart cookie. You may remember my interview with her, What Is Reiki? as well as her post How We Can Find Happiness in the Holidays. …

How Emotions Can Make You Sick (and what you can do about it) [Guest Post] Read More »