15 Minute Abs Workout - Fine Fit Day

15 Minute Abs Workout

Something I’ve found really beneficial for running has been to incorporate more abdominal exercises into my regular strength training. When your abs are strong, you can maintain correct posture longer and more easily – for runners, this comes in handy for keeping your form strong, even when you’re tired towards the end of a race, or a long training run.

So here’s a quick 15 Minute Abs WorkoutΒ for you guys! You can tack this on to the end of a strength training workout, or you could add it in on a cardio day. Since it only takes about 15 minutes to complete two sets, you have no excuses! πŸ˜‰

15 Minute Abs Workout - Fine Fit Day

PLANK: Facedown, propped on your forearms and your toes, keep a neutral spine as you hold the position for 60 seconds. Breathe deeply and focus on tightening your glutes, quads, and abs.

DEAD BUGS: Lie on your back on a mat, with arms straight up over your chest, and legs in a tabletop position. Slowly lower one leg and the opposite arm to the floor, without letting the other limbs move. Return to your start position, then do the other side. (Here’s a video if you need the visual).

REVERSE CRUNCHES: Sit on the floor, with knees bent and arms crossed in front of your chest. Keeping your shoulders back, begin to slowly lower your torso back to the ground. Try to resist gravity as you lower. Return to your start position (bonus points if you do a sit up to come back up!).

SIDE PLANK WITH REVERSE FLYES: For this one you’ll need one dumbbell. Get into a forearm or hand side plank, and with your top arm straight, lift the dumbbell off the floor, straight up to the ceiling.

LATERAL CRUNCHES OVER BOSU: With the Bosu round side up, lie down on your side over top of it, with your feet staggered for balance. With hand behind your head, crunch up from the Bosu, then lower slowly back down.

Do you do abdominal workouts?

Planks – love them, or hate them? (Or love to hate them?)

Don’t you wish there were more exercises with names like ‘Dead Bugs’?

12 thoughts on “15 Minute Abs Workout”

    1. Carly Pizzani

      Heidi, go try deadbugs now! They’re a great exercise, SO much harder than they look. Then you can get back to snuggling Tate. πŸ™‚

    1. Carly Pizzani

      Definitely running works your abs! Really, what doesn’t work your abs? πŸ˜‰ Sometimes my clients think I just make up these crazy names to mess with them.

    1. Yay! It’s one of those sneaky exercises that seems easy…until you start doing it! πŸ˜‰

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