Meet Tara Sabo, a super-fit mama who blogs at A Daily Dose of Fit, nominated to be featured this week on Fit Mama Friday. Tara and her husband Jason are the proud parents of Hannah, 2 years old, and Tara is pregnant with their second baby, due in June. A part-time fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and a fitness director, Tara’s life and livelihood is fitness – to the point that she’s sad she can no longer do burpees this far into her pregnancy! Here’s Tara’s Fit Mama Friday story:
Meet Tara.

Congratulations on your second pregnancy! How is this pregnancy different from your first, from a fitness perspective? Do you have more, or less energy? Are you working out differently?
The fatigue is a little more prominent this time around…I think it’s because I have a 2 year old to chase! Aside from that, and a few bouts with winter weather viruses, this pregnancy is much the same. Carrying the same, gaining the same, eating the same…does this mean I’m having another girl? It remains to be seen!
Are you still working – teaching classes, training clients and working in the gym?
Yes! I am also a group fitness instructor and the fitness director at my facility. I teach four classes a week, including Spinning, Strength, Kettlebells and HIIT…although I have since passed along the HIIT class to someone who can demo a little better than I can at this point. No burpees for this mama anymore (sadly)!
What’s the number one thing that surprised you (fitness-wise) during your first pregnancy?
That I could do so much for so long! I ran through my seventh month, and taught classes two weeks before I delivered (stopping only for the Christmas/New Year’s holidays…Hannah was born 1/3.)
You were a fitness professional before your daughter Hannah was born – have you always been a fit and healthy person?
Yes, fitness had been a huge part of my life for a number of years before kids came into the picture. I went into each of my pregnancies feeling fit and healthy, and maintaining that feeling was important throughout. I knew it would help before, during labor, and after. And when Hannah was born, I made getting back into shape a priority…I had to, it was my job! And this will be the same once Baby #2 is born!
What are your workouts like during pregnancy?
I am currently teaching Spinning, Kettlebells and a strength class each week…in addition to some extra cardio and/or strength sessions if/when I have time. I am also at a breaking point with running. I can still knock out a slow, steady mile…but at ten weeks from my due date, I can feel that distance decreasing, and I’m okay with that!
I hear you on the running. I slowed way down towards the end and had stopped running altogether by 36 weeks. Is your diet drastically different during pregnancy? Are you a pretty healthy eater overall?
I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I don’t obsess over “cheats” like chocolate and iced lattes! To me, it’s all about balance! This hasn’t changed with a baby on board, although I am steering clear of certain foods known to be problematic for preggos. Of course, that first trimester took a “no holds barred” approach because I wanted all the cheese and carbs in the world. I eat both currently, but not as much as I did during those morning sickness days.

Are you Pre/Post Natal-Certified? Have you trained pregnant clients? Was there anything you did differently, or approached differently after you had been through pregnancy yourself?
I’ve done a few continuing education courses that specifically discuss prenatal and postpartum fitness…some before, and some after my first pregnancy. None of my personal training clients have been pregnant mommas, however I have had them in my classes…and I’ve had many approach me for advice. Once I had been through it myself, I was better able to describe my answers to any questions, and/or my approach to the training itself. I felt as though I could better put into words what exactly the mother was going through and asking about, having been through it myself.
So tell me what your ‘whys’ are for working out. It’s a huge part of your life and you also write a blog aimed at inspiring people to be active as well. What motivates you?
I work out because it keeps me healthy. I work out because I enjoy it. And right now, I work out to promote a healthy pregnancy and easier labor, delivery and recovery. I also work out because it’s, for lack of better words, my therapy. Me time. Clear the head time!
What is your workout schedule like right now?
Monday: 60-Minute strength class
Tuesday: 45-Minute Spinning class, followed by a 30-minute Kettlebell class
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Parent/Tot Gymnastics (because at this point in my pregnancy, it’s totally a workout keeping up with the toddler!!)
Friday or Saturday: A personal Cardio/Strength workout
Obviously your job keeps you pretty consistent with scheduled workouts, since you’re teaching classes. What are your challenges in terms of your workouts?
As a group fitness instructor, I have to keep myself balanced. Because if I don’t, I risk overtraining. So sometimes, I have to give up the workouts I really want to do in favor of the workouts I’m getting paid to do. This is particularly challenging when I am in training for a race.
That must be frustrating – I hadn’t thought of the fact that you have to be careful about what your own workouts are on top of your scheduled work time.

How long did you take for maternity leave with Hannah? Are you planning on the same for baby #2?
12 weeks. And yes, I’m planning for the same. This time around, however, I wear the fitness director hat so I anticipate doing a few odd things here and there towards the end of my leave to prep for my return.
Why is it important to be a fit mama, do you think?
Fitness is a form of therapy, I firmly believe this! It gives me “me” time to decompress and/or just take a break. And it keeps me healthy, which helps me wear the mom hat. And, as a healthy mom, I can only hope to set an example for my child(ren).
Apart from working at having a strong and healthy pregnancy and birth, are you working towards any goals, or have anything lined up for after baby is born in June?
At this point, I’m just keeping my eyes on the baby prize! Hopefully labor/delivery/recovery goes smoothly so I can get back into a fitness routine as soon as possible. While I don’t have anything scheduled, I’m hoping to participate in a few fall running races.
Thank you so much for being my featured awesome mama on Fit Mama Friday today, Tara! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and easy and congratulations on soon-to-be little sister or brother for Hannah!
Want to connect with Tara? Check out all her social media links here:
Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday
Every Friday on Fine Fit Day I feature a Fit Mama or a Fit Dad story of how and why a fit and healthy mama or dad ensures fitness is a priority in her or his life. You’ll read about all kinds of parents and their fitness stories. Some are stay-at-home parents, some are single parents, some juggle more than one job on top of parenthood, but they are all committed to a fit and healthy lifestyle. As you’re getting ready for your weekend, I hope you’re inspired to be active after reading about these kick-ass mamas and dads on Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday! Do you want to be featured on Fit Mama Friday? Or do you know someone you’d like to see featured? Please contact me for details!
I agree that chasing a 2 year old while pregnant will leave you feeling pretty tired! I think my 2nd pregnancy was the only time in my entire life that I actually had to take naps!!
Kim recently posted…Do You Ever Want to Just Scream?
2 year olds run like the WIND!! I can’t even wrap my head around it, Tara is super fit!!
Hooray! Thanks so much for featuring me!
Such a pleasure! Thank you so much – I can’t wait to find out if baby #2 is a brother or a sister for Hannah!!