Welcome to Fit Mama Friday! Today, meet Allie Burdick, an amazingly fit mama to twin boys, Miles and Vaughn, who are 5 years old. Allie blew me away earlier this year as she chronicled her journey to representing Team USA at the World Duathlon Championships in Spain – the amount of planning and training that she managed was amazing. You probably know Allie through her blog, VitaTrain4Life (if you haven’t discovered her yet, you’re welcome).
Meet Allie.
Allie, you describe yourself as a stay-at-home mama, but I feel like you’ve got a lot of outside work going on, right?
I always stumble over this one! Let’s see, I teach two spin classes a week at the local Y, I’m a contributor to Fitbie.com (meaning I write about 3-5 articles a week for them), and I’m a part-time SAHM to the boys. When did this answer get so complicated?
And you’re married – I’m sure having that partnership has been key for the amount of training you had to do this year, leading up to the World Championships.
Married for 8 years now! It feels less like a partnership and more like ships passing in the night these days. Even though my husband works from home, we rarely talk until 9pm and I go to bed at 10pm. He owns his own business (which is growing!) so he never stops working, and I’m busy with my two part-time jobs and the boys, so you can see how that can easily happen. We definitely make time for each other on the weekends – sacred family time – but the weekdays are a blur!
Have you always been fit and active? It seems like you were born running.
No, I have definitely not always been fit and active. I started out very active and in competitive gymnastics and dance from 4-14, then did some track and was on the dance team in high school, but the only real fitness I had in college was riding my bike around Boston. Once I moved to Los Angeles in 1997, I joined a gym and started getting “fit.” I remember one time I excitedly told my trainer I ran a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. His response? “Why don’t you just walk?” The way he said it was funny and not mean, but I’ll never forget it!
Tell me about your pregnancy with twins (I can’t even imagine!!) Were you able to continue working out? If so, did you have to modify at all? What do you think it would have been like for you if you weren’t able to stay active?
Well, after the shock of being pregnant with twins wore off, I continued my regular training. I mean, I have journals from that time and I was still running, teaching kickboxing, biking and swimming – working out almost every day, for the first three months. I seriously thought I would just coast though the pregnancy! A lot of what I was reading about twin pregnancy was basically saying to sit on the couch for 37 weeks and hope for the best, since multiples are high risk and they will probably be in the NICU. It was seriously very frightening to me! But then I realized that being fit and active can do nothing but good for the babies, as long as I listen to my body and don’t overdo it.
I really felt like I was perfectly in tune with the babies and how much I could do in a given day. I continued to workout but totally had to back off the intensity. I did a ton of swimming because the 40 pounds I put on felt really good in the water! In fact, the day before the boys were born, I went swimming and had a glass of wine. I was ready! And, I’ll have you know, they were carried to term (37 weeks and 5 days), were perfectly healthy and never saw the inside of the NICU. It’s my greatest accomplishment by far!
Tell us about how much training went into getting ready for the World Duathlon Championships. When were you able to get it all done?
I trained harder than I ever have for the World Championship Duathlon, and that is saying a lot. When I train, there’s only one way, and it’s hard. But this was HARD and required super dedication. First and foremost, I got the ok from my husband. When I qualified at Nationals the previous October I knew how much work would go into training for Worlds and, it would be a team effort. I hired a coach (who is also a rocket scientist) and it was the very best thing I could have done. She planned all my workouts on a daily basis, through an online forum called Training Peaks. I even had an app for my phone! I would download all my information and she would review it and make comments, etc. Mostly it was things like “your easy pace should be easier!” or “you need to take a rest day!” But, as training progressed into longer and harder cycles, she didn’t need to write those reminders any more!!
Were there times when you just wanted to cry rather than get on the bike or go run? How much strength training was involved?
There were many days I cried and had thoughts of “why am I doing this?” You feel very selfish when say, you take your kids to the gym day care twice in one day, or you leave your family every Saturday and Sunday for 2-3 hours of running and biking. On the flip side, I was stronger, faster and more focused than I ever had been and there was a lot of joy in that! I got my strength training in the form of teaching a Power Sculpt class once a week. It was basically like High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and I kept things moving with three rounds of four different exercises, repeated three times. We usually got in five rounds (20 different exercises!) in a 45 minute class, and I loved those workouts!
Lastly, if I didn’t have the support system of my friends and family, I never would have made it! I also tend to put a lot of pressure on myself. The closer race day got, and the more people who knew about it, the more anxious I became. I was also planning the entire overseas trip for my husband, kids and my dad and stepmom. It was an insane time, but I would 100% do it all over again without hesitation!

Did the boys have much concept of how incredibly huge this event was for their mama?
The boys had no idea how big this was for me. I don’t even think they understood when we were in Spain, and it was kind of good that they just took it in stride and it was “just another race” mommy was doing. I’m looking forward to having a conversation with them about the magnitude of it, and see how they reflect on it. The day I received my “Team USA” uniform with my last name on it, I raced to the porch to grab the package and ripped it open in front of the boys. They saw my excitement and when I showed them, yelling “Boys! This is mommy’s uniform representing TEAM USA” their response was “Aw, we thought it was something for us.” Gotta love it.
You’ve often mentioned you’re not a natural cyclist. What made you decide on duathlon as a sport? And how challenging was it to become a cyclist?
Well, when I pregnant with the twins I thought I needed a really lofty postpartum goal. I chose a triathlon that was being held, for the first time, literally right down the street from my house. The TRI was three months after they were born. I had never swam in open water and I only had a mountain bike. Yes, clearly being pregnant with twins makes you insane. I trained as much as I could after they were born, raced using my mountain bike with road bike tires, and came in third in my age group. The next year, with a proper road bike, I won the whole damn thing. I was hooked!
Cycling is very challenging for me, but I need that! I love teaching spin classes but the spin bike is to cyclists what the treadmill is to runners – different and boring. I have to say that I have grown to love cycling and my bike and all the gear and gadgets that go along with it. The only issue (once again) is time. You need at least an hour and half if you want to get in a decent bike, where I can do hill repeats for 30 minutes running and have a great, effective workout.
What’s the best race medal you’ve ever won? Just kidding!! Duh, it’s the sword! Did you really not know the sword was your first-place prize, or were you being coy for the TV interview when that reporter asked you?
The sword!!! I’m looking at it right now because I keep it at my writing desk. I really had NO CLUE what I had won, and I was thinking (hoping) it was more like a car the way she was acting!? However, the sword is much better. After I won it, a lot of kids (and some adults) wanted to hold it and take pictures with it – – it was so cool!
Where is the sword now? Did you name it, like in Game of Thrones?
I have not named it, but I did tell my husband we are mounting it on the wall! Winning that Duathlon was huge for me and gave me the confidence I needed going into Spain. I will never forget that race and the feeling I had breaking the tape. Never.
What is your workout schedule like now?
It used to be so regimented! Unless I’m seriously training for a race or specific goal, I try to have a little fun and mix things up. Running is my true love so that usually wins out most days. Typically I spend 4-5 days running, 2 days teaching spin, and then I throw in at least one day of outdoor cycling and one day of swimming. So, yes I do at least one day of a “brick” workout where I run/bike or bike/swim. I eat a lot on those days!
What’s the best part of being a fit mama? Are there any negatives?
It makes almost everything better. I’m extremely type-A and have a ton of anxiety, so it helps with that and it absolutely gives me more patience with the kids. I also have shown them really good eating habits. Some of it rubs off and some doesn’t, but at least I’m showing them what healthy eating (and a healthy lifestyle) looks like.
The negatives are that a lot of times other moms will form an opinion about me, based on the way I look. I know that some find me intimidating and that just makes me laugh, because I feel like I’m the most approachable, laid back mom! I feel like I should walk into a room with a sign on my head that reads “I eat french fries and ice cream and I couldn’t care less if you work out or not!” It definitely makes me hyper aware of judging other people.
What’s your best advice for mamas who are trying to get back in shape, who feel overwhelmed, tired and like there’s no time in the day to do anything for themselves?
I get it! I understand! First of all, you have to really WANT to get back in shape. It has to be a priority or it won’t work. Set small attainable goals like, I’ll work out for 30 minutes two days this week, and then set dates and times that work for you to get it done. If you have a plan – you can do it. You don’t even have to leave the house. There are literally thousands of YouTube videos you can do using just your body – zero equipment. If you have to take the kids, go for a walk pushing them in the stroller. Running with the twins in the double stroller were some of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done. You certainly don’t have to run, just focus on moving and try to do something you actually enjoy. Don’t do Zumba because your neighbor likes it – do something YOU like and then stick to it.
Allie, thank you so much for being part of the Fit Mama Friday family! You are one incredible inspiration, lady. I still can’t believe you do it all with TWO little rampaging boys.
Allie Burdick is a competitor, writer and SAHM to twin boys. She tries to not completely exhaust herself on a daily basis and enjoys the journey by blogging at VitaTrain4Life. Join the party! More ways to connect with Allie:
Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday
Every Friday on Fine Fit Day I feature a Fit Mama or a Fit Dad story of how and why a fit and healthy mama or dad ensures fitness is a priority in her or his life. You’ll read about all kinds of parents and their fitness stories. Some are stay-at-home parents, some are single parents, some juggle more than one job on top of parenthood, but they are all committed to a fit and healthy lifestyle. As you’re getting ready for your weekend, I hope you’re inspired to be active after reading about these kick-ass mamas and dads on Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday! Do you want to be featured on Fit Mama Friday? Or do you know someone you’d like to see featured? Please contact me for details!
Pingback: Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!) » VitaTrain4Life
AHHHHHHH!!!!!! You did an amazing job putting this all together Carly! Thank you for making me look (and feel) so good. You have always been a huge supporter and I’m so glad we’ve had the chance to meet and become friends. I truly cannot thank you enough for having me in your space today! xoxoxo
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
It was such an honor to have you – you’re such an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing your story. I never in a million years would have guessed you had ever been anything other than a super-athlete-extraordinaire! xoxo
Allie couldn’t have been a more perfect subject for this feature! She exemplifies a badass, fit mama getting it done. And one day, Allie, your boys are going to appreciate the whole thing and be all “yep, that’s my mom!”
Totally agree with your advice to find what works for you–that really is the secret to it all.
misszippy recently posted…November Project Baltimore
They had better or I will MAKE them appreciate it – ha haha. Thanks Amanda!
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
Those boys are going to be so blown away and proud when it really sinks in, I agree! And yes, Allie is one badass fit mama!
Oh I love me some Allie! She’s seriously one fabulous fit mama. And I am now determined that I need to win a sword just to be cool like her. 🙂
Angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…High Five Friday
You really need too and then we can meet up and have a sword party or something?? 🙂
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
I’m in for the sword party.
I mean, who wins a sword?? It’s just too cool.
Allie I loved learning more about you even as a long time reader of your blog! You know, I didn’t realize Type A people had any anxiety at all. Can you tell me more about that? Bwahahaha. Oh, and hey, hey Carly! Nice blog you have here.
Tara Newman recently posted…Initial Thoughts After Ironman Lake Placid
Hey Tara! 🙂 Thank you!! I loved reading stuff about Allie I had no idea about and while I was editing and checking links, I kept getting sucked in to reading all her old blog posts!
I absolutely adore Allie and definitely think she qualifies and then some for Fit Mama. I couldn’t even imagine doing the half of what she described being so very pregnant with twins. As for the first question, I can totally relate and why we also jam so very much into our weekends, too, but they also can become a bit of a blur.
Janine Huldie recently posted…A Bottle of Red, A Bottle of White…O Wines Review
I know!! Twins and she was working out more than the average non-pregnant woman! She’s amazing. 🙂
Love seeing Allie here! She is so incredibly motivating and inspirational. I never realized that you needed that much time on a bike to get in a really good workout. Makes me want to get one now. Having grown kids leaves me with a little extra time on my hands. The sword definitely needs to be mounted on the wall! Maybe in the entry. I just wouldn’t have the moms group over. LOL
Carla recently posted…Push It: July 2014 Running Report
Get a bike! You will love spending long rides outside on it – I just know it. It’s an excellent way to clear your head, plus it helps take all that pounding out of your legs from running.
As for the sword – yes, I definitely don’t show it off at book club!! HA HA HA!
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
Maybe biking is the happy medium for you between weights/pilates and endurance running!
Allie’s the ideal lady to feature in this series. The epitome of a fit mama. Motivating and so inspirational; I mean, who wins swords?!? 🙂
Jaclyn @ BumpSweat recently posted…Friday Favorites: August, Ice Cream, & New Trails
Allie Burdick wins swords, that’s who. #dontmesswithallie 😉
Yeah Allie! I love these Q & A sessions because there is always something new I read about the bloggers I follow! Thanks for sharing!
Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…Switching Things Up!
It was so much fun finding out so much about Allie! She’s such a great fit mama.
I loved reading this and love Allie. We got to meet earlier this year at FitBloggin and she could not be a better person or better representation of our sport! Thanks for sharing this great profile! xoxo
Jesica @rUnladylike recently posted…Silver Comet Trail Attack: A Crime against My Running Religion
Yay! Allie mentioned you guys met (reason #5,892 I was bummed to miss out on FitBloggin) and I’m so glad you did. You’re both super-awesome runners and bloggers!
Allie= amazing. Amazing Allie, I like that! 🙂
Heidi @ Idlehide recently posted…UpTate: 6 Months
If she ever gets tired of VitaTrain4Life, you should get commission on that, Heidi! 😉
I loved this interview. And I feel like I got to know you even better, Allie. By any chance… did you do gymnastics at Winningers ( I know I spelled that wrong). If so, we totally went to the same place back when I was living in CT.
Kimberly (Manifest Yourself) recently posted…Favorite Things: Sports Bras, Acne, and Tattoos
OMG Kimberly!!!! How it is that we didn’t meet until now?? I mean, really. I actually trained at Tri-Town Gymnastics in Rockville/Vernon but we absolutely competed against Winningers!!!! I’m sure we’ve met. That’s why we’re so comfy with each other 🙂
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
It is such a small world!!
Allie is a true inspiration. Being a non-swimmer, I’ve often wondered about duathlons. Reading this has given me a push to do more than just wonder about them!
Janet recently posted…Walk This Way
This makes me SO happy! Yes – do a DU – you will love it and there’s more popping up across the country everyday. Good luck!
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
Awesome!! Allie inspires everyone. 🙂
two of my favorite girls team up for an incredible post! I enjoyed every word. Allie you are my she-ro and my sister from another mister! I am so proud of ALL you accomplishments especially those two adorable boys! Keeping rocking it sister!!
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…BAM Half Training: Hydration & California Running + Vlog
“She-ro” = awesome. I’m probably going to steal that, Nellie!!
I LOVE Allie! She is awesome and definitely a Fit Mama!!! I had no idea you were on a dance team in high school Allie! 🙂 You are seriously such a HUGE inspiration! I honestly love your approach to parenting, fitness and life in general!
Britt@MyOwnBalance recently posted…Friday’s Food & Fitness: Food Mishmash + cheerFIT
Allie is such a laid-back hard worker – I think that’s how she makes it look easy! (Actually, none of it sounds easy, but you know what I mean!!)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this interview! Allie is one of our VERY favorite bloggers and people…even though we have never met her IRL, we totally feel like we know her! :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Pinterest Nightmare #451: Naked Yoga
Right back at you! Thank you so much Ashley!! xoxoxo
Allie recently posted…Fit Mama Friday at Carly’s Place (Book Winner Too!)
Allie is awesome! It’s so fun to learn more about your faves, right? When I first met Allie IRL, I was already hugging her as it occurred to me to explain who I was! ha ha
Loooove this! Carly you picked one heck of a good woman to feature! I hope many more people found how wonderful and inspiring Allie is, keep up the good work lady 🙂
Tina Muir recently posted…A Real Life Story of Self Doubt
Judging by the comments, I’d say Allie is inspiring lots of people out there! 🙂
I love seeing you here, Allie, and hearing even more of your story!
And I think I put on more weight than you did with TWINS when I was pregnant with Scarlet. I looked like I was smuggling a basketball.
And I’m laughing about how excited you were about the mail and they wanted to know if anything was for them. Story of my life!
Tamara recently posted…A Double Photographer Interview.
That story made me laugh as well! 5 year old boys can really bring you back down to earth with a thump!
Loved this! You couldn’t have picked a better fit mama! She’s one of my favorite blog buddies and even though I am a runner (a very casual one these days), I love reading her posts! Yay Allie!
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Scrumptious Seafood Recipes | Easy Lemon Pesto Grilled Shrimp
Thanks, Michelle! Allie is so relatable, even when she’s writing about stuff mere mortals couldn’t imagine (winning a sword, for example!!) 🙂
Love this interview with Allie!! And, even though I feel like Allie is one of my friends, I learned several new things. I had no idea that her husband worked at home and owned his own business! And, one day those boys are going to realize just what a huge deal that race was and they will share it with all of their friends!!!
That sword is the coolest race prize ever – my boys were so jealous the first time I showed it to them!!!
Kim recently posted…A Week of Fun (7/27-8/2)
I learned new things as well! I would never have guessed that Allie would once have been so excited to run a 10 minute mile – she’s so ridiculously speedy now!!
I love seeing Allie here! She most definitely is a fit mama and a badass mama too! She definitely inspires me with her drive and determination. Love this.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…High Five Friday
Yes! Determination! Great way to describe Allie. 🙂
Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I love Allie, perfect for this series! Awesome mom (and of twins at that), awesome runner, awesome athlete, awesome blogger, awesome motivator, and awesome friend! 🙂
Jen@milesandblessings recently posted…Never be embarrassed by your pace!!!!!
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LOVE this and love Allie!!!!! She is definitely one fit mama!!! Your negative about being fit is spot on! I have some friends that run and some that are just getting into running and I hate it when they say I could never be as dedicated as you or run like you….it isn’t about that…be proud of where you are at and look at your goals and work toward that. Amen to the ice cream and french fries too 🙂
Jen@milesandblessings recently posted…Adding races to training