On Fit Mama Friday today, I’m excited to feature Christine from Love, Life, Surf. Christine is a fit mama to two adorable boys, Jasper, 7.5 years old, and Everett, 5 years old and just celebrated her 11th wedding anniversary with her husband Ed. A freelance writer and consultant, working from home, this year Christine has also begun teaching yoga part-time – I’ve been fortunate enough to take a couple of her classes. An equal-opportunity fit mama, Christine surfs, runs, practices yoga, skis, hikes and strength trains. Usually all on the same day. 😉
Meet Christine.
What’s your fitness background? I feel like because you have so many different fitness passions, you must have always been active.
Yes, I’ve always been active. I played sports growing up, but I wasn’t a star athlete or anything. More like a good utility infielder, you know? I grew up playing pretty much every sport under the sun – from swimming to soccer to field hockey to volleyball to lacrosse to water polo. Being part of a team and playing sports gave me a sense of confidence and a community. However, it wasn’t until later in life that I really considered myself an athlete and took pride in being a strong, active woman.
I continued to work out during and after college and through my pregnancy. I didn’t run because it didn’t feel right for my body, but I did continue to strength train, swim and use the elliptical, and practice yoga. It helped me feel more like me during this time when my body was changing so drastically. Prior to pregnancy, I was vegetarian and ate healthily on the surface but I don’t think that I was nourishing my body well. I struggled with body image issues and a complicated relationship with food, like many of us. When I became pregnant, I think my approach to taking care of my body changed and I started to view food more as nourishment.
You were a runner, then a surfer, then a yogini – do you actually categorize yourself in those terms, or do you just feel like an all-round fit mama?
I don’t necessarily categorize myself in any way. I think that all of those things are a core part of who I am and I definitely don’t think that I could be only one of those things.
You have a fear of the ocean. You decided to learn to surf. How did that happen?
Learning to surf was kind of a fluke. My husband and I were planning a solo vacation and decided to go to Costa Rica. When we mentioned that to friends, everyone told us we should surf while we were there so my husband booked us at a surf camp for the week.
I think that up until the moment I was standing at the edge of the water with a surfboard strapped to my ankle, I wasn’t fully aware of my fear of the ocean and open water. It wasn’t an active fear that shadowed me my whole life but it was definitely something that lurked in the background. It started to develop more in the last 10 years, but I still thought it was a one-time (or three-time) thing. It wasn’t until I really sat back and reflected on it that I acknowledged the fact that yes! I am afraid of the ocean!
But learning to surf was one of the best things that I could have done for it. In learning to surf, I learned more about the ocean and tides and currents. I also learned how to be safe in the water with my surfboard, which really is like a big floatie. I still get freaked out but I try not to let my fear overwhelm me and prevent me from missing out on experiences.
When you started your blog, Love, Life, Surf, you were documenting that experience of being a beginner surfer – what’s your current passion?
Today, I love running, yoga, swimming, surfing, strength training, hiking, and skiing. I love anything that will take me outside and give me the opportunity to explore and discover new places, food and people. Right now, I’ve been consumed with running. I’m running my third half marathon of the year on November 23 – the Philly Half Marathon. After that, I hope that my workout schedule will become more balanced. Ideally, I work out between 4-6 days a week including running, yoga, and strength training. I’d like to start swimming more regularly too!
I feel like you’re going to kill the Philly Half. 🙂

Your Instagram photos of your running and yoga are amazing. What’s your secret? Do you have a professional photographer following you around snapping pics? My running photos are usually of my shoes.
I do. I have an entourage that follows me with lights, make-up, etc. 🙂
My secret is that I use a self-timer and then I prop up my phone against something – a rock, lamp post, tree trunk, sometimes I take off my shoe and put my phone in there. I really should get a mini tripod but then again, I would run around with that. Usually, I have a pose in mind that I want to snap a photo of – often the “pose of the day” for an instagram yoga challenge. Sometimes I have a spot in mind and other times, I scan the environment as a run and find a spot that has good lightening and background. And then I edit the photo with any number of apps!
Everyone has challenges to making fitness a part of their life – what are the challenges you face?
The main challenge I face in keeping up with my fitness routine is primarily time – making sure that I prioritize this time in my schedule. The other challenge I face is that I’m injury-prone so I need to be really mindful about how much I’m asking my body to do. For example, I typically don’t run more than three times a week and I don’t run back-to-back day because it doesn’t always agree with my body.
And what is it that makes fitness a priority for you? What’s your main motivation for being fit?
Health and fitness are a core part of who I am as a woman, wife, mother, sister and friend. Fitness is something that nourishes my soul. It not only helps me build physical strength but also mental strength to handle whatever challenges life throws at me. My main motivation to be fit is my children. I want to experience life with them – to run alongside them when they first start riding a bike, see their eyes widen at the top of a mountain, do cartwheels in the grass, and watch them grow up. I want to set a good example for them so that they will lead active and healthy lives too. I make a point to have my kids see that I’m being active and that it’s something that I enjoy doing. And it is rubbing off on them. My oldest son has started participating in his school’s running program and both kids like to do yoga with me from time to time, especially if it means jumping into my yoga photos!

So, how aware do you think your boys are of the fact that their mother is committed to being fit & healthy? Have you seen ways your own approach to wellness has influenced them? Do you think it would be different or more resonant if you had daughters?
My boys are pretty aware that their Mom is committed to health and fitness. Everett just said the other day, “Yeah, my Mom has a lot of really expensive running shoes.” Ha!
But seriously, I actually make it a point to tell them that I’m going out for a run or to teach yoga. And they are curious about it too and I’m starting to see their interest in those activities too. I think that it’s important for them to see that I enjoy exercising and that it’s not a chore, and that I continue to work and practice the things that I enjoy so that I can get better or reach a new goal.
It’s easy with boys because boys are so active and it’s more about harnessing their energy. If I had a daughter, I think that I would be more cognizant of projecting a healthy body image versus ensuring that she knows that I’m committed to fitness and place more of a priority on helping her to develop a strong body image.
Credit: Brister Photo
How has practicing (and now teaching) yoga influenced the way you approach running, surfing and parenting? Or life in general, I guess?
I would like to say that it’s made me more patient and compassionate. It has to a certain extent made me more aware of the internal chatter in my head – and how that may not always be helpful chatter – and it has taught me how to sit with the uncomfortable moments and to continue to breathe when things get tough.
Well, thank you for sitting with me virtually and answering all my questions! It was a pleasure featuring you on Fit Mama Friday.
You can connect with Christine by checking out her blog, Love, Life, Surf, following her on Instagram (I wasn’t exaggerating, her photos are beautiful), Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest.
Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday
Every Friday on Fine Fit Day I feature a Fit Mama or a Fit Dad story of how and why a fit and healthy mama or dad ensures fitness is a priority in her or his life. You’ll read about all kinds of parents and their fitness stories. Some are stay-at-home parents, some are single parents, some juggle more than one job on top of parenthood, but they are all committed to a fit and healthy lifestyle. As you’re getting ready for your weekend, I hope you’re inspired to be active after reading about these kick-ass mamas and dads on Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday! Do you want to be featured on Fit Mama Friday? Or do you know someone you’d like to see featured? Please contact me for details!
thanks so much for having me here today!!! xox
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Friday Round-Up: Legacy
A pleasure, my friend! 🙂
Yay! I love Christine. She has a killer insta account and great reflections on life.
Tara Newman recently posted…How to Slow Down the Holiday Rush
I know, I love her writing as well – she always makes me think. And her photos…amazing.
I love seeing Christine here and learning even more about her! I’m so glad you asked the photo question because she seriously has THE BEST Instagram ever. I love that she has to sometimes use her shoe! Awesome.
Allie recently posted…The Lone Racer – My New Superhero (Race Recap)
Right? You should check out those apps she uses in the link in that answer, too. I love the way her photos look.
Oh, and PS, I already knew her answer to that question, but I made her answer it for the blog anyway because I figured if I’d wondered how she did it, everyone else wanted to know, too! Glad she let us behind the curtain. 😉
I love when one of your fit mamas is someone I already know!!! So great to see Christine here. I’m always in awe of her yoga poses. And, the fact that she took up surfing even though she has a fear of the ocean is huge!!!
Kim recently posted…This Is Going to be Fun!!!
Her poses always look effortless and I think, oh I should totally do that after a run. Then I take an actual yoga class and attempt what she has made look easy and completely fail. ha ha ha!! And yes, I am also impressed she tackled a fear in such a huge way.
Christine! One of my fav blogs and IG. I’m going to have to use her shoe idea. I usually use rocks, sticks, curbs. Genius!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…High Five Friday
It’s like a built-in little cupped hand for your phone, right? 🙂 So simple, so genius.
Love Christine! Awesome interview and enjoyed learning more about her…Like she played field hockey…AWESOME!
She Rocks Fitness recently posted…Friday FUN…Four Things
I always find out something new when I feature someone I know on this Fit Mama Friday! It’s part of why I love writing this series so much.