I love it when the introduction I’m sent to one of my Fit Mama Friday featured mamas begins with, “I know this amazing woman…” That’s how an email from a friend of today’s Fit Mama Friday started and now I’m thrilled to introduce you to Crystal, mama of a 19 month old toddler son and nearly 8 months pregnant with her second (another boy!). Crystal and her husband Ryan just celebrated their three year wedding anniversary. A full-time working mama, as well as attorney turned insurance professional, Crystal now works in the Risk Department of a large Oil and Gas Contractor. On top of all this, she is, of course, a super fit mama! This is one runner who has not scaled back – she’s still running races now – no wonder her friend was so excited to nominate her!
Meet Crystal.
When did you start running? You’re a marathoner, right?
A long, long time ago (8 years ago to be precise), I decided to sign up for a marathon….literally on a whim. While I had always been active, I had never run a race. Not one race. Zero. Nada. Zilch. The only thing I had ever done was run track and cross country…..way back in junior high.
At the time, I was in law school and experiencing a terrible breakup, so I thought, “Why not run a marathon?” I roped a girlfriend into joining me, but after giving up Friday-Night-Fun for all of three weeks, she quit on me. I kept going. In fact, I ran into my high school Orchestra Director in the running group and as it turned out, he lived within 2 miles of me, so we became running partners! Who knew that throwing myself into something mind-numbingly painful to get through a break up would lead me to one of my life’s true passions?
That’s such an awesome way to get over a break up! And I love that your very first race was a marathon. How was race day?
I completed my first Chevron Houston Marathon on January 13, 2008. I wore a cotton sports bra (because duh, no one had told me about dry-fit), had no clue what timing was, had barely learned about proper nutrition and hydration, had no time goal, and ran a 4:29. I have subsequently ran the Houston Full four more times and the half twice. The only year I’ve missed Houston was in 2013. At 3 months pregnant, I just didn’t feel it was safe or responsible to get out there in 40 degree weather with pouring rain. Otherwise, I would have shown up. So there is the shortened version of my running story, which is the backbone of my fitness.
You also love strength training – how did that interest begin? And how do you balance it with your running?
I met my husband, Ryan, Super Bowl weekend in 2009. Ryan briefly played professional baseball and chose to stay in the industry for his career. Thus, being fit has always been a part of his life. Early on, our mutual love of fitness brought us together. Within six months of dating, I talked him into switching gyms so we could work out together. Working out with Ryan facilitated my love of lifting. I started working out harder and lifting heavier, especially when I was “off” from marathon training.
It became a struggle to balance what I loved more: running or lifting. And frankly, that hasn’t changed. I wish there were enough hours in the day for me to fully engage in both. Although, I will say, I do think they are mutually exclusive to some degree. I don’t know how you could really balance lifting if you were doing true physique work and serious marathon/half marathon training.
You’re clearly running during this second pregnancy – did you also continue running during your first pregnancy?
After running the Chicago marathon in October of 2012, I became pregnant…literally within weeks. Getting pregnant right off the marathon was such a blessing. I was super fit, super active, and mentally, well, I had JUST run a marathon so there was nothing I couldn’t do and no worry/stress about taking a year off! I had hit a PR (at the time, 3:55) and was on top of the world. I actually ran a 20 mile run those first few weeks because I didn’t know I was pregnant (had some false negative tests), but after finding out the thrilling news, I thought, “Why can’t I keep going?” I was in the midst of training to PR my 10K time, so I went ahead and gave it my all at the 2012 Houston Turkey Trot. I PR’d with a 49:05 and was thrilled, but immediately felt some guilt. As a first time mom, there is so much worry and concern about whether what you are doing will have adverse effects on your child. After that, I backed off the speed, but kept on running.
I ran a 2:06 in January at 16 weeks pregnant, then ran a second half in March at 24 weeks. There were no PRs, but your priorities shift, and honestly, being able to run both races without walk breaks was a victory itself!
That’s wonderful! Congratulations, I think it’s so awesome when you’re able to still run quality races and times when pregnant. Were you focused just on running, or were you lifting and cross training as well?
Beyond running, I really stepped up my weight lifting during my pregnancy. I was running less and less as the weeks went on (I was down to one or two runs a week by the 9th month) so I just lifted more. Funny enough, I found that I often had more energy than ever before and was able to lift heavier. I even maxed out my chest press somewhere around 7 – 8 months pregnant….of course, I always relied on my husband to spot me when going heavy. SAFETY FIRST!!! I’ve since read that this can happen to women as you have so much extra blood and all that blood carries extra oxygen, giving you more energy and strength!
During my first pregnancy, I generally maintained a schedule of five or six days per week. Don’t get me wrong, some days I just walked 4 miles or otherwise took it easy, but I tried to really maintain my activity level. One of my concerns about starting a family was losing me, the Crystal I was and had always been, and morphing into purely “Mom” mode. Staying active and doing the things that I had always loved to do, the things that had become part of me, was very important. Obviously, I was blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy and am so thankful I was able to do all that I did!
That was your first pregnancy – so what changed after becoming a mama? Were you able to get back into a workout routine after your son was born?
Well, first off, the immediate change was sleep!!!! I am a person who really needs 7 – 8 hours and I had a baby who didn’t really sleep through the night consistently till about 11 months. That made things a bit of a struggle. But, you do what is important to you, and physical activity is important to me (especially for my sanity). I started back on a training plan relatively quickly as I was signed up for a December marathon (5 months post-baby, which wasn’t stressful for me. As a 10 time marathoner before baby, I knew I could sufficiently train in 3 months) and while I certainly missed some workouts, I was as disciplined as a working mom with a newborn, who is exclusively breastfeeding, and has a husband who travels for work could be. We made it work. ‘WE’ being the operative word. I could NOT have done it without the support of my husband, nor my friends and family who would come help watch the baby or stay over when Ryan was out of town.
You know what I struggled with most those first few months though? Not working out with my husband! I missed it so much. During the first three months when your hormones are still so wacky, I probably cried about that several times. It was like our old relationship was dying. But we’ve built a new and even better relationship. While it is still rare we get to lift together (maybe 1-3 times per month), there are so many fun and active things we get to do together…and with our amazing (and very active) son!
What a surprise, that your son is so active! 😉 Since fitness is so important to you and your husband, is that a love you’re consciously trying to instill in your son as well?
We started doing swim lessons with our son at 9 months. Then a few months ago we started taking him to an open baby gym where he can do trampolines, hang on the bars, walk on the balance beam, and run and roll around to his hearts content. We enjoy going to the park together and even shoot for a 30-60 minute family walk at least once a week. It is so exciting to share what you love with your child, and all I can hope for is that our kids love being active and staying fit as much as we do!
What exactly is being a fit mama to you? How does diet and lifestyle play into your fitness?
Being a Fit Mama isn’t just about what you DO. I think it is about being healthy all the way around. Practicing good mental habits, getting enough sleep, eating well, and basically taking a holistic approach to life is what I find works well. I am not super granola, and I certainly enjoy some junk food at times, but….I make it a point to get enough sleep every night. Sleep is when your body really has time to recover, to recover not only from your training, but also from any germs it has come into contact with or stress you may be experiencing. Getting enough sleep (and making sure our kids have the opportunity to get enough sleep) is as vital to your health as maintaining an appropriate weight. I also make it a point to drink plenty of water. I only drink coffee (1-2 cups) and water….and maybe the occasional beer. No sodas, no juice, nothing “extra”. You just don’t need it, so why waste the calories and why feed your body all of that extra sugar?
I also try to eat a balanced diet and make sure the majority of my snacks are “natural”. What I mean by that is that I try to eat fruits , veggies, nuts, and/or cheese for a snack. Do I eat crackers? Sometimes, of course. Do I love pizza? DUH! But I try to follow the 70-30 rule. And I may try to tighten up a bit more after this pregnancy.
And does that carry over into motherhood and the way you guys are raising your son?
As a mom, I try to instill even better habits in my son than I have. While some people give me sideways looks when this comes up, I am very proud to say that my son does not drink anything but water or milk and he has had sweets less than five times (several of which did not come from us but rather a well-meaning family member, what are you going to do?). Does he love broccoli? Not yet, but I reintroduce different veggies at least two or three times per week, I give him tons of fresh fruit, and sneak vegetables into my cooking so he gets plenty. He does love a mean green smoothie (literally, he will fight me for mine) and I’d say 70% of what he eats is home-cooked. I am happy with that. There is no need stressing over him eating vegetables when it does no good. Eventually he’ll get there.
Now you’re pretty far along into pregnancy number two – any surprises this time around? Has your fitness routine been similar to the first time?
Much to my surprise, its mostly been more of the same great pregnancy experience as the first time. I did have a few weeks of slight morning sickness which I never had before. That did throw off my routine somewhat. And I wasn’t coming straight off a race this time around….I was coming off a long vacation in Europe for a friend’s wedding. So, while things have been good, running wasn’t as easy and comfortable the first few months this pregnancy. I’ve probably averaged three days a week running and ran the Houston Half a few weeks ago at 28 weeks pregnant. Since “training” was not easy or fun this go round (I had a TON of crappy long runs), I was not hoping for much. While it was a PW (personal worst) at 2:16 or so, I ran the entire thing…and that was something I truly did not think I would be capable of. So again, winning….small victories!

It’s funny how each pregnancy can be similar, but you have totally different experiences, or just feel different. I’m sure having an active toddler has a big effect as well! What advice would you give other pregnant fit mamas, based on your own experience?
I really and truly hope I can inspire others. There is not that much information out there about training or more stringent exercise during pregnancy. Everything I see geared toward pregnant women is yoga-like, simple, easy routines that would barely leave me with a dabble of sweat…and there certainly aren’t any good running pants for pregnant runners (NOTE: the higher waisted Lululemon running tights work really well if you can stomach them. I know, they might be pretty tight at first, but, all that support makes me feel comfortable on my runs, and I also wear a Motherhood Maternity support belt!). To some degree, I felt I was paving my own path because I didn’t personally know anyone else who had kept up their routines the way I did, just different bloggers around the internet (Thank you so much, bloggers! You really don’t know how awesome it is to find other people like you!).
I totally agree. The rule of thumb based on ACOG guidelines is to continue with what your body is already used to and modify as necessary, but I think a lot of women get nervous, or just aren’t aware of what’s considered okay.
What’s the biggest benefit to you of being such a fit mama? And what are your goals for this second post partum time?
Having the discipline, the drive, and the determination to keep going in a marathon, or to keep going in whatever your training may be, really spills over into the rest of your life. You can become a better person through training….and that can only make you a better parent. Leading by example is important, but, it is also important to do something for YOU. How can you care for someone to the best of your abilities when you aren’t feeling great about yourself? I have two mottos that I live by: “It’s never too late!” (I tell this to anyone who will listen) and “You can do anything you put your mind to.” And this even goes for the marathon, I truly believe anyone who has a desire, can run a marathon. So for anyone who may be reading this, thinking about jumping off the couch – Please do. It really could make you the best you that has ever been!
My upcoming goals are to have a healthy baby and survive the first few sleepless months (hopefully it’s true it goes by quicker, and therefore easier, the second time around!) and to qualify for Boston….I am only 5 minutes away!
Congratulations and best of luck with the transition to a family of four, Crystal! I love your approach to health and being a fit mama and I have no doubt you’ll achieve your Boston goal soon. Thanks so much for being part of Fit Mama Friday.
Gorgeous mama!!!
Loved reading this story – so awesome to train with your husband (when you can:)!
Kim recently posted…Compassion
I remember being able to work out with Fran – now it would be such an event and we would be paying a sitter, so it *never* happens!!
I love this Fit mama!! Crystal you sure found an awesome way to get over a break up!! Also–running + strength training = my kind of girl.
Nellie recently posted…#TechStyleNYC: Where Fitness, Fashion + Technology Intersect
Nellie, I swear I want to be like Crystal when I grow up!! (Except the idea of a triathlon just terrifies me so I’ll leave that part to her!!) 😉
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Thanks for the sweet comments, and Carly, thanks for featuring me! It definitely makes a girl feel good when she is sitting at 37-38 weeks pregnant, researching her next marathon, and just dying to get back to fast miles when the weather is so amazing!
Oh I hear you Crystal! I am sitting here 40+ weeks pregnant itching to get out and run!!