If you’re a runner, you’re probably a little bit superstitious. Am I right? From lucky shirts, to laying out your racing gear Flat Stanley-styleΒ the night before, to the exact same meal priorΒ to running, I’m sure you have some kind of habit that’s become almost a necessity.
While reading race recaps over the past month or so (living vicariously), I noticed all the running superstitions and habitsΒ that kept cropping up and thought it would be fun to write a little survey post. Play along if you like with your own post, or just in the comments!
Would you wear the race shirt while running the race?
No – I don’t get this at all! I would definitely feel like I was tempting fate if I wore it before actually completing the race, but more importantly, it’s a new, unwashed item of clothing. If anyone else has ever discovered a chafed area only whenΒ the shower poundsΒ water that feels like hundreds of knives upon the inflicted spot, you know it’s a terrible idea to wear anything new and untested on race day.
Do you have a lucky outfit or item of clothing?
Nope! I do have some tanks and shorts or tights that are my favorites, so I’m more likely to wear them racing, but not because I feel like they’re lucky.
What’s the worst thing you’ve forgotten or not been able to find when traveling for a race?
The worst thing I forgot was running bottoms. Luckily, I realized the day before and not the night before my race, when it would have been too late to find anything. Unluckily, the race was in a touristy town with one small sports store that boasted the most expensive running gear I’ve ever seen. So I made do with a skirt that was the cheapest thing I could find (and rolled the dice on the whole wearing something new rule – thankfully no chafing issues!). My big fear, though, would be realizing I’d forgotten to charge my Garmin the morning of a race, if I was running for a particular time or for a PR – I’m not at the the point of being able to judge my pace correctly by feel yet.
Do you have lucky colors you prefer to race in?
I don’t and my running wardrobe is actually pretty colorful, for a New Yorker whose entire ‘regular person’ closet is made up primarily of black, black, more black and a few neutrals for good measure.
Do you pause yourΒ watchΒ when you’re getting water or taking a walk break on a training run?
Oh man, guilty! I definitely pause my watch when I’m grabbing water, although I don’t if I need to take a walk break at any point. My reasoning is that in a race I’m grabbing a cup and running with it for a water break, but on a training run in the park I have to stop to use the drinking fountain and sometimes wait for it to be free. Therefore if I pause my time, it’s closer to race day conditions. Right? Who’s with me?
What do you eat before a race?
Some kind of toast – usually peanut butter, or PB & J, about an hour beforehand. Also, coffee is a must, just one cup. Before the marathon I also ate a bagel and a salt packet as well as my toast.
What’s your long run fuel of choice? What would you do if you couldn’t find it?
Gummi Bears!! I’ve tried just about everything. The gu fuel is just so gross – and I’ve tried every brand. Ugh. Sports beans were okay until I nearly choked on one. I actually don’t mind the Clif Shot Bloks in margarita flavor for really long runs, but I know gummy bears work for me so I always go back to them for the race. Luckily they’re available just about anywhere – if I couldn’t find them I’d try any other gummy candy, or raisins in a pinch. It’s all about the quick sugar hit.

Do you switch up your shoes or have a certain brand you HAVE to run in?
I’m always searching for the perfect shoe. I tend to find my way back to Mizuno constantly, so that’s probably the best shoe for me, but I’ve tried Nike, New Balance, Saucony, Hoka One One and Puma as well.
Are you a chit-chatter before a race, or are you in the zone?
Neither, really. I’m just not the kind of person to strike upΒ a conversation, so unless someone starts talking to me, I’m usually in the zone by default.
Is there a particular song you have to hear before your race, or during?
No – I don’t usually run with music and I never race with it, so I don’t have any must-listen to songs. I like having music on a really long run – over 12 or 13 miles and I usually have music with me. I just remembered how much I used to like having Jamiroquai on my playlists (the last time my laptop died I lost a lot of my music library). Thanks to catching some of Napoleon Dynamite on TV recently, I’m digging out my Jamiroquai CDs to burn again.
If you went out for a long run with an awesome playlist set up, what would you do if your phone or MP3 died halfway? Would you continue the run in silence, or run home & reschedule?
I would definitely keep going! I’m not that fussed about having music on a run. This would totally suck if it was a long run of 20 miles for marathon training, though – but if you’re already 10 miles in, I can’t imagine stopping and then redoing the full 20 another time. I would suck it up.
Any weird shoelace tying style?
Did you even know there’s a whole bunch of different ways to tie your shoes? I just go with the criss-cross way the shoes usually come tied, but I always double knot those puppies. I was super careful to double knot and make sure they were secure when I was running during pregnancy because the thought of bending down and trying to reach my shoes to tie them was almost more of a workout than actually running.
Spill – what’s your pre-race ritual, or something you can’t imagine running without?
Share your answers to these questions in the comments!
I carry a charm that my mom gave me before my first half marathon. It has a picture of a cat on one side and says ‘Cat Lover’ on the other. I’ve carried it during every race since that first half. I couldn’t find it one morning and had a semi-panic attack. Luckily I found it before we had to leave π I also wear the same pair of compression sleeves for my races and use my others for training runs only. Fun post!
Emilie recently posted…June Goals
Oh man! Your mom has to get you a back-up charm!! But maybe if you race without it and get a PR, it will break the superstition! π
Love this. Runners are a funny bunch, aren’t we? I do lace my shoes differently (laces straight across) because I tend to get a pressure point at the top of my foot. I’m not terribly superstitious but I tend to have good runs wearing certain clothing, I will most definitely wear that on race day!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Friday Round-Up: Wanderlust
I have lucky shoes, too.
Once upon a time, I had very specific pre race rituals. I’d be as prepared as I could, knowing the weather, what time I had to wake up to eat 2 hours before I had to leave, giving me enough time to go potty, etc… I always ate the same thing (oatmeal with peanut butter & banana, coffee) and would have 2 outfits ready to choose from race morning. But after years of racing and with a 6 month old occupying my brain waves, I’ve given that all up. Last week I showed up at a race with an empty stomach 2 minutes before start time and a dead GPS watch. Lol. These days I’m just happy if I remember where to go and get there on time!
Ha ha ha! I know exactly what you mean. There have been a few times in the last 3 years where I realize the night before a race that I’m signed up for it. You know, right after the second glass of wine!!! π