Would you rather

Would You Rather…? Cori’s Running Survey

Every now and again, Cori from Olive To Run writes up a post of ‘Would You Rather‘ questions for runners. I decided to play this round – if you’re a blogger, you can link up, too! If not, feel free to answer the questions in the comments below!

1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm? Probably a snowstorm, unless it’s really icy and hard to see. I don’t mind running in rain or snow, so long as I am (somewhat) waterproofed! Plus, I still think snow is magical and special (remember, I’m from Australia -we don’t see a lot of it there!).

Would you rather

2. Would you rather breathe through your nose or breathe through your mouth? I’d rather breathe through my nose, so my mouth wouldn’t get too dry. I usually find myself breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, especially during faster runs, or races.

3. Would you rather do 100 squats or 100 crunches? [Now take a break & go do them. πŸ˜‰ ]Β Squats. Definitely. They are not a hardship for me because I love them!

4. Would you rather have a baked good for dessert or an extra serving of your favorite entree? Extra serving of the entree. I’m not really big on baked goods. If it was ice cream or something chocolatey, I’d pick the dessert, though! πŸ˜‰

5. Would you rather run on a treadmill for an hour or run around the same street block for an hour? Oof. This is a tough choice. I think I’d go with the treadmill, if only because I’d worry about the effect of so many corners/turns on my ITB and knees. But I am not a treadmill fan.

would you rather

6. Would you rather have a headache during a run or a side stitch? Side stitch, for sure! At least with a stitch you know it’ll be short-lived.

7. Would you rather have a rest day on a work day or a day off? On a day off. My work days are pretty active, so I feel like I’m already in the swing of it to get a workout in. Also, I only have childcare on work days, so it’s way easier to get to the gym or go for a run.

8. Would you rather be a race director or a race volunteer? I think it would be an awesome challenge to be a race director! I’d love to try it – I’ll have to put this on my bucket list!

9. Would you rather spend your money on running gadgets [HRM, GPS watch, Headphones] or running shoes? I’m happy with my trusty 4-year-old Garmin and don’t often run with music or HRM, so I’ll go with shoes! I love my Mizunos. πŸ™‚

10. Would you rather run in a relay or do the run portion of a distance triathlon? I’d actually love to get a group together to run a relay. A friend of mine does the Ragnar relay fairly often and she always has such a great time. I feel like there would be more camaraderie than just doing the run leg of a triathlon, since everyone is running in a relay.

Your turn! What would you choose??

10 thoughts on “Would You Rather…? Cori’s Running Survey”

    1. Yes, we already have a bunch of race directors ready to go! πŸ˜‰ AND volunteers! Ice cream for the win.

  1. I feel the same way about treadmills, err, make that dreadmills;) During a particularly snowy week last year I was forced to do a high mileage run on the treadmill and I had to break it up into 3 mile increments to make it easier. I saw so many cycles of people going and coming at the gym that day because I was there for so long. At the end though, it still felt amazing to have run the distance!
    Heidi @ Idlehide recently posted…First Week of 2014My Profile

    1. That’s the worst, when people start and finish their workout *during* your run! I agree that I feel like more of a badass for doing a long distance on a treadmill, since I know I’ve had to run through my mental block about them as well. Good job on your run, lady!

  2. Oh, no, not a snow storm. A thunderstorm because there is still the possibility that it is above 40 degrees. I’m starting to think we’re nothing alike. LOL! Mouth (deviated septum). Street block! Headache (I’m used to it)…again, nothing alike. But I still luv ya! Work day, volunteer, gadget, relay (finally something the same!). That was fun! Thanks for sharing it.
    Carla recently posted…1/4: The SkinnyMy Profile

    1. Ha! I hear you on the thunderstorm temperature, but last summer I was running in one and another runner asked me if I thought we were safe. It still sounded pretty far off but I started worrying about getting struck by lightning and it almost ruined my run. So snowstorm wins out for me now!!!

    1. Lol, of course you choose both!! You’d do 100 of each, then make up an amazing amalgam of both to use as your 44! πŸ˜‰

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