Scenes from a weekend

Scenes from a weekend #11

This was a very low-key weekend for me. I have no exciting stories of trips, visitors, tourists, or grand plans. Which was exactly what I needed – after lots of visitors, followed by Fran being out of town on business all of last week, I was ready for a couple of quiet days.

So, a few scenes from a weekend (laidback Brooklyn-style) for you! Obviously running was a big part of my weekend. I had a long run and a recovery run planned and of course I wanted my long run on Saturday to be in Meg Cross Menzies’ honor for #megsmiles.

Scenes from a weekend My long run this week was just shy of two hours, so I ended up doing 11 miles and change. I thought of Meg while I ran. I thought about how sometimes, even if you do everything right and take all the necessary precautions, something just comes out of nowhere to change your life completely. My heart breaks for her family. She was so young and her children are so young.

One really lovely part of that run was when I took a trail path at one point and all I could smell was Christmas – then I realized that lots of Brooklyn Christmas trees had been cut up and repurposed as a mulch/ground cover. It smelled amazing and looked so pretty. It made me so thankful to be a runner, that I had the chance to come across a little hidden surprise like that.

Since Fran was away the whole week, Roman and I were SO excited to have him back home with us. Some friends came over early Friday evening and took this super cute picture:

Scenes from a weekend With Fran home, we caught up on Downton Abbey, which we hadn’t watched since it started again. We also watched a great movie on Netflix called The Way, Way Back. I highly recommend it – it was super funny and a great cast. I’m still using Allison’s awesome brown bag popcorn trick!!

Scenes from a weekend

We’re creeping up on Roman’s 2nd birthday – I can’t believe he’s about to turn two!! Here he is rocking a koala hat our friends Kale and Sian gave him a year ago – suddenly it fits!

Scenes from a weekend Sunday we treated ourselves to going to the diner for breakfast. I had a delicious egg sandwich with scallions and tomatoes. Roman was thrilled to have one of his all-time favorite foods ever – pancakes! Seriously, have you ever seen anyone more excited for breakfast?

Scenes from a weekend Later yesterday, I went for my recovery run. I took a peek at this week’s training plan and I’m so happy it’s just three days of running. Granted, two of those days are hard workouts and the third day is my long run, but having all those rest or cross-training days make it seem like a light week to me.

Happy Martin Luther King Day! I hope a lot of you have a long weekend. Whether you have the day off or not, take a moment to remember an amazing man who fought for civil rights.

Β What was your weekend like?Β 

What’s your favorite brekky when you go out to eat?

8 thoughts on “Scenes from a weekend #11”

    1. Breakfast out is an NYC tradition! But then you have a kid and it becomes a total treat. πŸ˜‰

  1. After a busy holiday season I’m all for a slower January. The past few weekends have been fairly low-key for us and I’ve been loving it… Glad you’re still enjoying the Brown Bag Popcorn – so are we πŸ˜‰ I usually order an omelet if we go out for breakfast, but that’s rare since I tend to wake up before the crack of dawn!
    Allison @ Life’s a Bowl recently posted…Nutty Gluten Free WafflesMy Profile

  2. It’s rare that we eat out at all and breakfast is usually just if one of the boys had an early CC meet and then we eat after. I love low-key weekends – best way to feel ready to go into another week. I’m especially loving having an extra day this weekend!!
    Kim recently posted…Today We Honor a True American HeroMy Profile

    1. They are a nice way to recharge! I’m going to take your list of movies today and use it next time we’re wondering what to watch! πŸ™‚

  3. My favorite breakfast to eat out is a big fat Belgian waffle with blueberry compote. But if I’m behaving I’ll go with eggs. My kiddos are like Roman–pancake fans all the way.
    I just googled Tiger Tail and see that it’s similar to my “stick”. It has a way cuter name though! : )

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