Was there any doubt Roman would be a firefighter for Halloween? Not if you follow me on Instagram and have seen the numerous shots of him ‘driving’ firetrucks and being generally in awe of firefighters.

This was Roman’s third Halloween, but the first one he was SO, SO, SO excited about. He has been practicing saying ‘Trick or Treat’ and “Thank you for the candy!’ with his babysitter for weeks. He wore his costume ALL. DAY. LONG. And the holiday didn’t disappoint. He had an amazing time trick or treating and watching our neighborhood Halloween parade and of course visiting our local fire house. Even the sugar rush couldn’t keep him awake when his head hit the pillow after a long day.
Since we don’t celebrate Halloween at all in Australia, it has been so fun to see what it’s like for little ones now that I’m a mama. Fran and I sort of got into the spirit of it all – at least we wore costumes from the neck up! π
Saturday night Fran and I had another grown-up night out (who are we? This is two Saturday nights in a row out on the town!) for a friend’s surprise birthday party. I took no pictures but had a great time – I even met in person my Fit Mama Friday Sarah from a while back, which was awesome. (She is lovely, by the way).
Workout wise, there was good news and bad news.
A quick gym selfie to highlight the bump, an excellent run on Friday, where I felt like I was getting some speed back (17 weeks as of Friday!), but then yes, that is a photo of me soaking my foot. π I stepped on one of Roman’s toys on ThursdayΒ – hard – and it gouged out a little piece of the ball of my foot. And itΒ was as painful as it sounds. When I went out for a run, I deliberately wore the Hoka One One’s I received at FitBlogNYC, since they are so cushioned. While my foot bothered me for the first five minutes, I forgot about it pretty quickly. After being on my feet on Saturday night at the party, though, by Sunday it was incredibly painful.
I’m going to skip running this week and give it a chance to heal. The really annoying part is that all of my commuting for work is by foot – I walk from client to client on my work days. There are a couple I could take the subway to, but there are a few places that my only option is to walk. So I’m kind of stuck being on my feet.
Ugh. Please send some healing vibes my way!!
Then Sunday was one of my favorite days of the year – Marathon Sunday in NYC!!! I realized this was the first time in 5 years that I’ve been a spectator. In 2010 I ran, then in 2011 I was pregnant and on a baby moon. 2012 was the year it was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. Then I ran last year as well. So I was just a TINY bit excited to cheer all the runners.
We saw the elite women from half a block away. I was bummed I didn’t get to cheer up close and personal for the women. I wanted so badly for Kara Goucher to have the race of a lifetime. I was tracking her, Bizunesh Deba and Deena Kastor on the tracking app, so I “saw” when KaraΒ slipped out of the lead pack. Afterwards I caught the finish line interview with her, tears streaming down her face and when her son kissed her cheek IΒ got a little choked up.
I did get to see the elite men run past:
Those are the best shots I got – I’ve discovered I’m a better cheerer than photographic documenter! I was so excited to scream for them that it was at the last second I thought to grab a photo.
I was excited to see Michele from NYC Running Mama out there, leading her friend John, who was representing Staten Island in the Five Borough Challenge. Again, I went crazy cheering and yelling for her and then took a pretty crappy photo. Oh well! π
Fran, Roman and I then hopped on the subway and went to a friend’s place around mile 7 – 8, near where we used to live, which is a great spot for spectating. We hadΒ so much fun!
It’s such an amazing day, whether you’re running it, or there as a spectator. I remember how important the crowd support was when I ran. SinceΒ it’s almost wall-to-wall people cheeringΒ for the entire course, you’re almost guaranteed to get the boost you need from the crowd at the right time, when you’re struggling and at a low point. Seeing someoneΒ grin ear to ear when they hear you yell their name, looking at the faces of the runners who are clearly taking in every moment and just soaking up what it feels like to run through the screaming, cheering masses of New Yorkers – it’s a special experience.
I have to say, later when we were hanging out in our friend’s apartment, watching the coverage on TV, I felt enviousΒ watching the faces of people crossing the finish line. I remember that emotionΒ in a visceral way and it’s been a year since I experienced what it feels like to finish a marathon. Soon! Once I’m finished baking this little muffin I’m growing, I’ll be planning my comeback. π
How was your Halloween?Β
What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
Have you ever spectated a marathon?
OK, I love Roman in his costume. He’s the cutest! And yes, marathon day is the best day in the city. I love it. I hope that your foot feels better! Man, kid’s toys are painful!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Ask a Yogini: What are the Best Yoga Poses for Sleep?
He was a very enthusiastic firefighter. π So cute. I LOVE marathon day! And I love living so close to the route, it’s fun to be able to just wander down the road and see some of your running idols going by.
So cool you were at the marathon! I have never spectated a marathon but NYC would be at the top of my list!
Ruthie@She’sWickedHealthy recently posted…On Acceptance: It’s Better to Light a Candle Than Curse the Darkness
You never spectated Boston? That would be amazing, too. You’ll have to plan an NYC trip next November – it really is such a fun weekend for the city!
A few things… 1- Beautiful bump! 2- Sorry about your foot. I’ve stepped on Legos and those HURT! 3- I’m so jealous you got to see the marathon in real life! I cheered from my bedroom and got teary eyed at the finishes. I’m just completely in awe of how incredibly fast these men/women are!
Caroline recently posted…We’re Adding Another Pumpkin To Our Patch! [big news!]
Thanks lady! π Yup, legos are no picnic, either! It really is such an emotional thing to watch, seeing everyday people run 26.2. As for the elites, they are just incredible to see.
I saw your FB yesterday and knew you had been spectating. I loved being a spectator at the Cowtown Marathon (in Ft. Worth, TX) last year – so fun to see the runners and we managed to get to 5 different places to cheer!
So sorry about your foot – toys are dangerous like that!!! Hope that even with all of the walking you do it heals quickly!
Kim recently posted…Do You Know Your Purpose?
Pretty sure I’ll be good to run tomorrow! It’s so awesome to watch the marathon – I love cheering them on, especially because I remember how great it was to get crowd support when I ran.
Ouch!! So sorry about your poor foot.
I spectated one marathon actually. It was awesome! I thought he might puke at the end but he didn’t. And then once the hunger hit, well I was with my friend at a burger and fries joint after. We did damage.
Roman is the most adorable fireman ever.
Tamara recently posted…Maybe You Should Quit Your Day Job.
Thanks Tamara – my foot is recovering! Burger and fries sounds like excellent marathon recovery food. π
Roman is so adorable! That costume is priceless!
Ouch! I hope your foot feels better soon. That really stinks! You are looking so good though! I love the baby bump shot.
I watched the marathon from my apartment. I could see the runners going up First Ave. I can’t believe how cold it was and so many people were trucking along. I admire them for sure!
Britt@MyOwnBalance recently posted…Fit and Healthy in NYC: Part 1 {The Food}
It was SO cold and horribly windy! It’s such an amazing race to watch – so special to see people tackling something so challenging.
Roman is an adorable firefighter. I hope your foot feels better soon. Kids and their toys:)
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…The Race Shirts That Will Keep You Warm ( and a Discount Code)
Yup, kids and their toys with lethal sharp bits on them that are always the ones that are lying around on the floor! π Foot is feeling better, pretty sure I’ll be out running by tomorrow!
Cutest little firefighter ever! What a fun weekend. I loved everything about NYCM, except for the fact that I missed you….oh and I could’ve done without the wind but it’s all good!
Marcia recently posted…New York City Marathon Recap
Just read your recap – I was not envious of you guys battling that wind, those were tough conditions for the marathon. I’m so happy you got to experience the NYC crowds!!
My Halloween was wonderful! I went into labor around 9 pm and had my baby around 5am the next morning! It was pretty much the best weekend ever π
Jessica recently posted…She’s Here!
!!!! Just visited your site so I could see your adorable little peanut – she’s BEAUTIFUL! Congrats, Jessica. xo
OMG I absolutely love that hat you’re wearing! Yes, that’s what I got out of this post π HAHAHA!!! No, seriously Roman couldn’t be any cuter and I’m so jealous of all you NYC spectators and you’re up close encounters with all the amazing runners. I need to come and cheer at this event some day…after I run it of course!
And the foot? OUCH! I’ve stepped on countless toys and it’s so, so painful. Here’s to a quick recovery this week…
Allie recently posted…My Love/Hate Relationship with Apple
Dude, I freaking love that hat. I’m glad you picked out the most important part of the weekend. π It’s so much fun to run and watch Allie – pop down both on your bucket list.
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