Please meet running blogger Louise “Weez” Cunningham, featured today on Fit Mama Friday. Working full-time as a Clinical Applications Analyst and Radiologic Technologist, Weez has been happily married to Rob for 26 years and they have two children – Luke, age 24, and Cath, age 19. Weez blogs on RunnersRamblings about her quest to take on a marathon this year, but she hasn’t always been a runner. In fact, over the past three years, Weez has been working hard to lose more than 70 pounds!
Meet Weez.
You’re an accomplished runner now – were you active when you were younger, in your pre-kids days?
Back in my high school days, I was an average athlete. I lived in a small town, and went to a small school, which allowed me to do a sport every season. I kept myself busy with Spring Track, Tennis, Field Hockey, Basketball and Skiing, both downhill and cross country. Needless to say, I was thin and in pretty good shape for a teen. When I graduated from college, I was still very active and my fitness level hadn’t dropped much. Then I met my husband to be. We both are Radiologic Technologists and we met at work. We soon started doing things together to keep fit. Three years later our first baby arrived, Luke.
So, you were fit and healthy when you first got pregnant – what was that pregnancy like for you? Were you still exercising?
With my pregnancy with Luke, I gained 45 pounds. I was really big and uncomfortable. I wasn’t able to do any physical exercise during that time either. Luke ended up being albs, 10 oz and needless to say, it was a rough delivery. I was fortunate to have 12 weeks of maternity leave from work. But the fact that I had a terrible junk food diet slowly started to creep up on me and the little bit of weight I lost from breast feeding didn’t stay lost for long.
There’s a five year gap between your children – did you get back into working out before you got pregnant with Cath?
No, I never got back to exercising after Luke was born. Rob was away working a lot and I had to tend to the baby by myself. There was no time for me anymore. I kind of got lost in the mom shuffle of life. Five years later, I was 30lbs heavier when Cath arrived. She too was a 9lb baby, but this time I kept my weight down to 15lbs during the pregnancy and it went a whole lot better at delivery time. Again I was able to take 12 weeks off from work. I lost tons of weight while I was nursing, but as soon as I stopped, it started creeping back up on me.
By the time Cath was two years old, I was up to 240 pounds. I am 5’8”, so I could carry it and it probably was not as noticeable as it would have been if I was a shorter woman. I had no time for exercising, so once again, “me” went by the wayside and I was only in “mom” and “wife” mode. I totally lost my identity in the process.
That can be such a common occurrence , when mamas put their family before themselves. What inspired the change for you – what made you decide to take control of your health again?
By 2011, I was 285lbs and wearing a 3X. I felt the stares of people when I was out in public. I know what it’s like to not fit in a chair. I have tried to put on clothes that I loved, only to find there was no way they would get over my shoulders. One day, I was walking through the halls of my work and I glanced into a window. When I saw my reflection, I was horrified. That made a lasting impression on me, yet a couple of months went by and I did nothing about it. But that same year, at Christmas, when the family photos were taken, I was totally sickened by what I saw. Right then and there I decided things were going to change.
What did you do to first start to lose weight? And when did you take up running?
Fortunately for me, the medical center at which I work was offering a Weight Watchers at work program. I signed up and with my leader’s help and encouragement I lost 80 pounds.
All the time I was obese, I was still a “runner” in my mind. It was killing me to see people out running when I wasn’t able to do it anymore. So you can bet when the weight came off, I was back at it, trying to get back to my prior fit and trim self. I tried my hardest to get out there and run, but it wasn’t easy. I was now 50 years old and my body just wouldn’t work the way it did when I was in my teens and early 20’s.
What an amazing transformation! So, where are you at now? You blog about your running and you’re attempting the marathon this year – how is that going?
Now I am at 215lbs and doing well. I never did reach my goal of 199lbs, but I haven’t given up just yet. I am currently running up to 30 miles a week and have included cross training on my non running days. I have a running coach, and belong to a global running team. That has been the biggest boost to my motivation… having others who cheer me on and encourage me as I try to reach my running goals. So far I have run numerous 5, 10, and 15K’s along with two half marathons.
And yes, starting June 1st, I will begin training for my first Marathon! My coach sends me my weekly training schedule each Saturday and we go over it together if needed. Otherwise, I just take it day by day.
What has the response from your family been like? They must be very proud of you.
My family has been very supportive with my fitness training. My husband has begun to walk and run a little too. I haven’t given up on the thought of us running a race together some day. I do find that since I work full time, I have to run after dinner. It can be challenging to work around the dinner hour and the weather, especially here in Maine. In the back of my mind however, is the fact that the marathon in October isn’t going to run itself and I have to keep myself accountable to my goals.
I am happy to say that “Weez” is back, healthy and happy, and ready to tackle 26.2!
Congratulations, Weez, on all your hard work! Good luck with the marathon training – it will be an amazing experience for you! Thank you so much for being on Fit Mama Friday today.
You can follow along with Weez’s training on her blog, RunnersRamblings. You can also connect with Weez on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
What a super inspirational share – great job to Weez!!! Good luck with your marathon training!
Kim recently posted…Friday Deserves Some Laughs!
I think it’s so awesome she’s training for the marathon! Such a great achievement!
Thank you Kim! It’s going to be a very tough but fulfilling journey getting to the 26.2!
Louise C recently posted…Product Review STORMp3 player
Great Job Weez! You are an inspriation, and just as beautiful inside as your are out…
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! I agree, Weez is super inspiring. I love it when mamas realize they are important too!
Thanks Lisa!
Louise C recently posted…Product Review STORMp3 player
I am so very proud of you and happy to call you my sister. It was a struggle and you never gave up on your dream. Love ya, Pauline
You have an awesome sister, Pauline! Your family must be so proud of Weez! What a rockstar!
Way to go Weez!!! This is so inspiring! I can see almost every woman in my family (including my mom who passed away when I was 17) in YOU! They all dedicated themselves to being moms and wives and lost themselves in the process. My two aunts battle their weight to this day. I’m going to send this to them as a testament to what can be achieved over 50! I also love that you asked for help and found so much support though Weight Watchers and then again, with a coach. I think that is so very important!!! Thanks for sharing your story here. Congratulations and good luck with marathon training. You’re going to LOVE IT!
Allie recently posted…Race Crisis!
That analogy about the oxygen masks in the plane is *so* true for mamas. We often forget to put ours on first, so it’s extra-inspiring when you see it happen in such an amazing way, like in Weez’s story.
What an inspiring guest! She is going to rock the 26.2!
jill conyers recently posted…Fuel Your Better
Definitely!! I can’t wait to follow along with her training.