Scenes from a weekend #30

Scenes from a weekend #30

It was a gorgeous weekend in New York City – the weather was just lovely. I ran a race on Saturday morning and Friday night I was hoping to get to bed early, which was foiled by a double overtime game in the Stanley Cup final. Sadly, the NY Rangers lost, which was hard to watch. Plus, no more hockey until October!

(Check in tomorrow for a race recap of the NYRR Oakley Mini 10K!)

Scenes from a weekend #30

Apart from the race, it was a pretty laid-back weekend for us. I actually managed to go and get my hair done (I think the last time I went, I was wearing a winter coat!). It was long overdue, definitely. This is the before photo (and of course I totally forgot to do an after photo!)

Scenes from a weekend #30
Is this the Yogi tea way of saying “Follow your heart”?

Roman also took it easy this weekend. Actually, on Father’s Day he fell asleep in the stroller, which happens rarely these days. We took full advantage of it by parking him by the stoop and reading a bunch of magazines while he napped. It was glorious.
Scenes from a weekend #30Father’s Day was lovely – Fran had a great day. I took Roman to his swimming lesson by himself, so Fran could have an uninterrupted sleep in. He was in probably the best mood of his life when we got back – it’s amazing what a few hours extra sleep will do for a parent!

I guess our Florida trip really helped Roman at swimming lessons – he has no fear at all in the water anymore. Yesterday I had to explain to him he needs to wait until I count to three before he leaps into the pool, so I’m ready for him!

We checked out the Father’s Day street fair nearby, saw some friends from our neighborhood and just enjoyed a chilled out day.

Scenes from a weekend #30

The only real bummer of the weekend is that we left a couple of Roman’s toys on our stoop for an hour in the afternoon, when we went for a walk. When we got back, someone had taken his little ride-on rocketship. It was very clearly not left out for someone to take – we tucked it at the side of the steps, so someone had to come right in off the sidewalk to take it. We were being overly trusting, obviously, leaving it out, but our street is such a neighborhoody spot that we really didn’t think twice.

Scenes from a weekend
Goodbye little rocketship! You will be missed!

When is Father’s Day in your part of the world? (It’s September in Australia)

If you could have extra sleep, would you rather have an earlier bedtime, or sleep late?

When did you learn to swim?

12 thoughts on “Scenes from a weekend #30”

  1. I’d sleep later!!
    That’s sad about the missing toy. We live in a clearing in the woods and I could probably run around naked for hours before another living soul would see me.. other than wildlife.. but I still wonder about it sometimes. In San Francisco, that sort of thing was so common. I’d get scared to leave anything in my car.
    Tamara recently posted…The Stories Go On.My Profile

    1. Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. Our street is so neighborhoody, though, I think I was lulled into a false sense of security!

    1. I’d rather go to bed earlier, too…but then it just doesn’t happen. Something I need to work on!!

  2. Oh, so sorry about the rocketship – sad that you can’t just trust people!!
    I used to love to stay up late and then sleep in – these days even when I stay up late I don’t really sleep in much.
    Glad you had a good weekend!
    Kim recently posted…Living in Fear Isn’t the AnswerMy Profile

    1. I was so sad & angry! I can’t imagine taking someone’s belongings – I truly don’t know how people do that and sleep at night.

  3. Oh I did not know you were doing the mini 10k, thats awesome! A lot of my friends ran in the elites section that day, I wish I could have raced it too. Looked like a lot of fun! Great weekend too, glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I would definitely have an hour earlier to bed as I cannot sleep in….hence writing this t 5:44am haha
    Tina Muir recently posted…Meatless Monday: Summertime SmoothiesMy Profile

    1. It’s always such a great race! Let me know next time you do race in NYC! Would love to meet you in person.

  4. Over the weekend my grandmother actually said to my husband “You don’t have anything like this in Australia, do you”? referring to the lunch we were having to celebrate Father’s Day. He was like ummmm, yes, yes we do… Haha.

    I can’t believe someone stole Roman’s rocketship! That is bananas.

    I am definitely more of a sleep in person than go to bed early!
    Britt@MyOwnBalance recently posted…The Best Prenatal WorkoutsMy Profile

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