Our Fit Mama Friday today, Kellyann, was nominated by a friend who described her as an “all-around amazing force of nature”. Kellyann and her husband La Valle have two children, Isiah, 14 years old, and Isabella, 10 years old, as well as currently expecting their third child. Working full-time as the Executive Director of an anti-domestic violence agency, today’s Fit Mama Friday still finds time to be a group fitness instructor at a local gym. I love Kellyann’s story because she has realized the importance of finding time and an outlet for herself, so she can be the best mama, partner & person possible.
Meet Kellyann.
When did you get into fitness and working out? It’s obviously a big part of your life now, given that you’re a group fitness instructor on top of your full-time job.
I played soccer and basketball throughout my childhood, but didn’t really embrace fitness as a lifestyle until after my second child. When I had Isabella I think I gained more weight immediately following her then while pregnant. I remember looking in the mirror and not liking who I saw staring back at me. I knew I wanted to start working out but need a partner. I enlisted my mom and we started initially attending the YMCA in our area. It worked for a few months but I wanted a different type of group fitness class. I found another local gym offering Les Mills programming. I took my first combat class and was hooked. In between children and after I also joined Weight Watchers. I needed a healthier relationship with food. I need to understand what I put into my body had a direct impact on what I got back from my body. I lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers and a better understanding of nutrition was born.
Talk to me about nutrition – what are your eating habits like, given that you’re currently pregnant?
I try to be very observant on what I am eating. Prior to pregnancy I enjoyed a wonderful glass of wine on occasion and have decided to not ban any foods. Everything in moderation. Once we made the decision to try to conceive I eliminated caffeine, deli meats, and any other foods identified as not recommended during pregnancy. I’m not sure if it is gender related but with both my first son and this soon to be arrival of our second son I have a sweet tooth that I don’t normally have. So I have decided to embrace the sweet tooth in moderation. During this pregnancy I had an aversion to many vegetables and raw meat so I have had to adjust accordingly. I have kept my breakfast routine the same for almost 2 years now. I have a protein shake in the morning that consists of almond milk, almond butter, banana, and protein mix. I was never a good breakfast eater so I had to find a way to build routine and habit.
So, fitness wasn’t really part of your life during your first two pregnancies. You’re working out now – what are you doing to stay fit while pregnant?
I have worked out throughout this whole third pregnancy. Currently I am Les Mills Instructor for Golds Gym Hudson Valley. I am still teaching a mixed martial art inspired class called Body Combat two days a week and a 30 minute core class called CX Worx once a week, as well as attending classes as a participant twice a week.
I look for any opportunity to build fitness into my life. Prior to this pregnancy I was also participating in other outside hobbies: boxing, Krav Maga, Warrior Dash, and other obstacle-like runs. Several of my gym friends and my family have also embarked on my obstacle course runs, and other fitness tests. I ran the 5K Electric Run and am preparing to participate in the Turkey Trot. As of now I still feel great. I am listening to my body, resting and recovering where needed. I plan to teach for at least one more month, but I’ll possibly continue taking classes all the way up to my due date.

You work in what I imagine is a very stressful career. What impact does exercise and fitness have on your mental well-being and stress levels?
I am the Executive Director of Safe Homes of Orange County. We are a anti-domestic violence agency that provides non-residential and residential services to victims of domestic violence. We work towards eradicating domestic violence and human trafficking through prevention, education, and services.
Working out is my only outlet for stress relief. So many times people ask me how I find time to workout and get our children to activities, etc. The bottom line is that I had to prioritize me at some point. My job is demanding, emotionally challenging, and requires a lot of self-care to avoid burnout. For the last seven years exercising has become part of the fabric of our family. My kids have their activities and I have mine. I also have a very supportive partner. There are always times that I want to talk myself out of going to the gym BUT every time I get there and I am finished I always feel better and am grateful that I had that hour. Going to the gym allows me to be a better mother and partner. The benefits that exercise brings to my life are measured beyond the physical ones. It has such positive impact on my emotional well-being, too.
In the grand scheme of things, one hour out of your day is less than 5% of your time, but impacts 100% of your day! Not working out leaves me feeling drained, unmotivated, and at times unable to unload the stress of the day. I always tell my members that in the next hour you need to leave the day, the week, the junk in your head on the floor – walk out loving yourself a little more for taking care of yourself.
Lastly I am always going and at times one could think I am intense which is why I choose exercise that allow me to expel enough energy where I leave feeling drainer, reentered, and focused. I have to “empty my tank” during a workout. The key is to find something you love and dial into it. For some it may be yoga, Pilates, hiking, or for others (like me) body combat, Krav Maga, and obstacle runs. Whatever it is, use it as your prescription for a healthier, happier life.
So you love working out and everything it brings to your life – did you love it from the moment you started exercising? Was it a “Where have you been all my life?” moment?
First, I work out because I have to. The bottom line is that fitness is deeply connected to my physical and mental well-being. When I am working out I feel better both physically and mentally. However, I have a love/hate relationship with working out. It did not come naturally to me so becoming an instructor removed the excuses. I no longer had an excuse to talk myself out of not going to the gym, I was committed and people counted on being there. I think I struggled with body image issues throughout adolescence and needed to change my mindset. The journey with Les Mills helped me create a better relationship with myself. It allowed me to be kinder more forgiving and patient. It allowed me to realize that progress takes times and work. I also learned that it was not how I looked on the outside but how I felt on the inside. When I felt good on the inside it becomes evident on the outside. Feeling fit and healthy provides a sense of empowerment. Its something you accomplish on an individual level. For me I need to peel away layers of insecurity, doubt, self-shaming, etc.
I also needed to hold myself accountable. Growing up I wasn’t taught nutrition and healthy choices. I played basketball and soccer throughout my childhood yet those conversations around positive body image, healthy choice, and fitness were not part of my narrative. So in some ways when I started teaching seven years ago it was like starting over. I had to create a paradigm shift in my thinking. Sometimes I truly believe it is my greatest connection to members at the gym because I have been where many of them are. I have struggled, sabotaged, given up, etc. My greatest gift as an Instructor is that I can relate. I know what it is like to be on both ends and in the middle. I know what it is like to be overweight, to attend your first class and think you may just die. The feeling of your body and how uncomfortable it feels just to get started. I know what it’s like to hit a plateau and start sliding backwards. I also know what it takes to get to the gym each and every time and the fact that you got there is 85% of the challenge for most people.
That’s amazing – I think you’re the first Fit Mama Friday I’ve had who became an instructor to hold herself accountable to work out! It sounds like teaching group fitness is a real labor of love. What’s the best part of being a fitness instructor for you?
I love teaching, but even more I love the members. I feel so privileged and honored to share in their fitness journeys. For so many of us we need community, support and camaraderie to be successful in our goals. I have met some of the most amazing people on their journeys all the while that I have been on mine. I am inspired by the people who have come into my life. So many of the risks I have taken — obstacle runs, half marathon, martial arts classes – they are because of others who have inspired me. Sometimes we all need a little push to know what we are capable of.

I have no doubt you’re a huge inspiration and motivation for your members as well. What are your biggest challenges to keep up with your fitness routine?
The biggest challenge is always staying focused and carving out time. Having a demanding job and kids’ schedules involving many extracurricular activities makes it a real challenge. I cannot workout in the morning during the week. I just don’t have that focus, so finding time in the evening can be a challenge. It has become so ingrained in our household, though, that it’s part of our fabric now.
The other key for me was when I had the courage to become an Instructor. It held me accountable to something bigger than me, accountable not only physically but time wise. When I am scheduled to teach a class I have to be there and I need to adjust my calendar accordingly.
Given that fitness is such a part of your lifestyle now, how does a bad day, or times when you truly aren’t able to get your workout done, affected by your commitment to being fit and healthy?
There is no such thing as falling off the wagon. One bad day does not define a lifetime. Tomorrow you can be different. I stay focused on not undoing the years of commitment and when those bad days come, because they do, I treat them as such, ONE bad day. Tomorrow I can be better.
How has your healthy lifestyle impacted your family’s life? How do you incorporate your focus on health into your roles as a mother and a partner?
The impact cannot be measured. Growing up, fitness was not part of our family lifestyle, nor were healthy conversations around body imagine. Being fit and teaching at the gym has allowed me to instill in my children the importance of healthy bodies and healthy minds. It allows conversation around nutrition, exercise, and fitness in general. It empowers each of us to find activities that keep our body moving. My children run in several of the races I have participated in. Now that my son is 14 he participates in the obstacle races with me. My son also attends my Body Combat class on occasion. Both of our children play sports (soccer, basketball, and karate) and use any opportunity to get outdoors as an opportunity to move their bodies. We don’t discuss eating habits, food intake, or negative body image. We discuss healthy eating, good choices, and self-care.
My husband has always been fit. He is very dialed into his nutrition and exercise habits. He is a wonderful supporter of all of my goals and on many occasions participates in many of the running events or martial art workshops that are important to me. My mother started taking Les Mills classes with me all those years ago and has never looked back. She is still taking classes 3-4 times a week and when she is here visiting she attends my classes on a regular basis.
You’ve also run a half marathon – did you have a big family cheering section for that event?
Yes, in February of 2013 I ran my first ever half marathon. It was always a goal of mine and I just wanted to know if I could run one. I decided on the Disney Princess Half Marathon. My entire family made the trip to support me. In addition my children and my mom ran the family 5K the day before. On that Sunday in February I completed my first half marathon and I ran the entire thing without stopping. It was a defining moment for me. I was never a runner and don’t believe I am today but I needed to know If I could achieve something for me, by me. I was so proud of my mom and my kids and we have memories to last a lifetime.

So what’s next for you, after you welcome your third child? Do you have any specific goals lined up to tackle after having your baby?
My first goal is to have a healthy baby and as soon as I have medical clearance to get back on the wagon. My hope is that I will have a quicker recovery from this pregnancy since I have maintained my fitness. I know I will be having a C-section so I will ensure that I take care of myself so that I can come back better than ever. In the Spring of 2015 I will be running a Spartan Sprint, and am attempting to talk my husband into the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Vegas next November. Most important I will get back to teaching Body Combat and CX Worx, since my routine will be key to getting back on track. My goal is to come back stronger than before.
I have no doubt you will be back stronger and more inspiring than ever! Congratulations on your pregnancy and enjoy that new little snuggly baby! Thank you so much for being on Fit Mama Friday today, Kellyann.
Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday
Every Friday on Fine Fit Day I feature a Fit Mama or a Fit Dad story of how and why a fit and healthy mama or dad ensures fitness is a priority in her or his life. You’ll read about all kinds of parents and their fitness stories. Some are stay-at-home parents, some are single parents, some juggle more than one job on top of parenthood, but they are all committed to a fit and healthy lifestyle. As you’re getting ready for your weekend, I hope you’re inspired to be active after reading about these kick-ass mamas and dads on Fit Mama Friday – Fit Dad Friday! Do you want to be featured on Fit Mama Friday? Or do you know someone you’d like to see featured? Please contact me for details!
What a sweet family! Love the “future warrior on board” shirt!

Heidi @ Idlehide recently posted…Thursday Thoughts #34 of 2014
Isn’t it awesome? I also love the will run for wine shirt.
Love all the family pictures – especially the ones where y’all raced together. So awesome that the whole family is involved in fitness!!
I have no doubt that Kellyann will get back into shape quickly after this little one!!!
Kim recently posted…Turning a Negative into a Positive
I love it when you see families who are all into fitness, too. Pretty sure Kellyann will do anything she puts her mind to!
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