Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to attend #FitBlogNYC – Fitness Magazine’s Blogger event. This was the third year of the event and the second time I attended. Last year, I knew nobody and I was so nervous going into the event. This year? It felt like a party, reuniting – and meeting in person – so many friends and bloggers I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know over the last year. Fitness Magazine really knows how to put on a blogger bash, as well. This is definitely the highlight of the year for many NYC based bloggers.
First up – the food. Yup, starting with the important stuff (given that I am hungry about every two hours these days, it was wonderful to be well taken care of in the eating department!). There was a lovely spread set out for breakfast, as we all mingled before the start. Fresh fruit, gluten free pastries, juices, water and coffee, as well as fresh green juice provided by one of the sponsors, Oster Versa, who kept them coming all day.
After Fitness Editor-in-Chief Betty Wong welcomed all of us, she introduced our first speaker, personal trainer and former pro-basketballer Holly Rilinger, who spoke on The New Formula for Fitness Success.
- Exercise is not one size fits all. What works for you may not work the same for someone else. Experiment, try new things, find what it is that makes you happy and keeps you motivated – Holly believes there’s a workout out there that will suit you – you just have to find it.
- Pay attention to the way you work out. Plan it out ahead of time, so you’re not doing the really exhausting work first, leaving you unable to finish a workout.
- It’s possible to get an effective workout in 20 or 30 minutes, but when asked about the 7 minute workout popular right now, Holly replied that if you have 7 minutes for exercise, she would spend it sitting down with your calendar to work out how to add more workout time to your schedule. 😉
- Sleep is underrated and incredibly important. The recovery aspects of sleep, like the Human Growth Hormone released during REM cycles, is as important as the workout itself.
- For fitness professionals, Holly recommends branding yourself – find the one thing you offer that no-one else can and run with it. Be authentic – people are drawn to authenticity.
Next up was Dr. Marci A. Goolsby, from the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. The HSS is really involved with New York Road Runners and Dr. Goolsby was speaking about extreme athletic pursuits and training, like CrossFit, marathons and mud runs, so I was looking forward to hearing her speak. She didn’t disappoint.
- Workouts aren’t inherently dangerous. It’s whether the workout is a good fit for you and your body, as well as how quickly and intelligently you get into the workout that can make it dangerous.
- The biggest problems that lead to injury in the majority of Dr. Goolsby’s athlete patients are inappropriate training progression (i.e. too much, too soon); lack of strength training (preaching to the choir with me on that point!); and not adjusting nutrition for the amount of exercise being done.
- For avoiding DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), Dr. Goolsby’s number one advice was to keep moving during recovery – right away after your workout, then try to keep moving throughout the day.
- Female-specific issues that are very common include lack of bladder control (not dangerous, but frustrating), and amenorreah, or loss of menstruation. Amenorreah, while common in female athletes, is not normal. Dr. Goolsby advises seeing your doctor as soon as you notice this happening. Not only can it affect fertility, if it’s due in part to inappropriate nutrition for how you’re working out, it can also develop into a form of disordered eating.
- Pay attention to symptoms of overtraining. These include your heart rate increasing during rest and exercise, your immune system breaking down (catching all of the bugs), poor sleep, a higher rate of perceived exertion during exercise (i.e. a workout feeling harder than it should), or amenorreah.
- Dr. Goolsby is a huge fan of working out during pregnancy (woo hoo!), saying it’s fantastic for mama, baby, delivery and recovery.
The morning sessions wrapped up with the hysterical Carla Hall, a former Top Chef competitor and a host on The Chew. Carla was such an entertaining speaker, making us laugh while sharing some awesome tips on healthy cooking.
- Carla’s philosophy is to cook with love. If you’re in a bad mood, the only thing you should be making is a dinner reservation. 🙂
- Spices are your secret weapon. If you can only cook one protein well, but you learn 18 different spice combinations that can be used in a sauce, as a rub, for a marinade etc, then suddenly you have 18 dishes you’re able to cook.
- Don’t be afraid to mix cultures with ingredients and technique. For example, making an Italian pesto with a Southern staple, collards.
- Carla’s must-have kitchen equipment for healthy cooking include a non-stick skillet, so you use less oil; a baking pan with a rack so you can ‘oven fry’ instead of deep frying foods; and measuring oil rather than free pouring.
- Don’t fear fat! Leave some fat, or add some in, or your dish won’t be satisfying and you’ll end up eating more overall.
Once the morning sessions were over, I was STARVING again (surprise!) so I was so happy to find an amazing lunch spread for us:
During the break, we had a chance to visit with all the awesome sponsors with booths at the event, all of whom were SO generous to us. Seriously generous – check out the gift bag we all left with:
The sponsors included Balance Bar, Dermalogica, Eddie Bauer, Hoka One One, Luna, Oster Versa, Pure Protein, Tonalin and Tria. There were so many other companies who included gifts in our bag, including Reebok, Sparkly Soul, Erica Sara Designs (I met Erica in person at the event and she is lovely), Vega and so many more. Erica Sara is offering a 15% discount with the code FIT15 – use it! Her jewelry is SO pretty, you will love it.
And here’s what made it such an awesome day – all my lovely ladies! I caught up with friends I’ve met in real life before and met some favorite bloggers for the first time in person, too. One woman working at a sponsor booth remarked that we were all so friendly with each other and excited to hang out and it’s so true – we get to know each other so well through our blogs, that when we meet in person, it’s like reuniting with an old friend.
Top, L-R: Nellie, me, Brittany, Kimberly, Cassandre, Patti and Allie. LOVE these ladies!
Bottom L: Michele and Allie. Bottom R: Me and Laura.
Top L: Me, Allie, Christine. Top R: Amanda and Allie
Bottom L: Brittany & Nellie getting the shoe shots! Bottom R: Susan and me (yay for meeting a Fit Mama Friday in real life!)

My blogger fail was not getting photos of two of my faves – Gabrielle (who is running NYC as her first marathon in just a couple of weeks!) and Lindsay, even though we had a chance to chat.
The final session of the day was the blogging panel discussion on making your brand your business, with Instagram star Laura Sykora (I love following her incredible photos on Instagram), Bianca Jade, aka MizzFit (who was a great speaker), and RD Anne Mauney, aka fANNEtastic Food.
I could just write the takeaway was to Be Authentic (which is I think something every single speaker of the day mentioned as well), but there were lots of amazing tips and advice shared with us.
- Bianca: Emulate bloggers you love. Don’t copy, but build your own unique voice around concepts you love in other blogs.
- Anne: Just jump in, then refine as you go. It doesn’t have to be perfect when you start out – it’s an ongoing, changing medium.
- Laura: Don’t let your ego get in the way. Not everyone is going to like you, so just accept that and keep being yourself – you’ll attract the people who do appreciate what you’re doing.
- Bianca: Work with other bloggers, collaborate and network, don’t compete. Blogging can be such a strong community and help you to build your brand as well.
- In terms of working with brands, all three speakers advised only forming relationships or agreeing to work with brands that make sense for you and your blog. If it’s not the right fit, or you’re doing it for money with no passion, then your blogging voice will reflect that and your readers can tell (and are turned off).
- Bianca: If you don’t know how to do something, you can learn it, even if it’s simply through googling. And remember, your mistakes help you become better at your craft.
I’m so grateful to Fitness Magazine for inviting me to this event and to all the sponsors for the amazing products we received (there will be lots of mini-reviews coming up as I try everything out!). It was so inspiring to hear some amazing women share their expertise and it’s always wonderful to see blogging friends in person.
Bloggers, have you met other bloggers in real life?
What’s the best work event you’ve attended?
I was also at Fitblog. I had such a great time too. I knew a few people but not a lot!
I think the Being Authentic panel was one of my favorite parts. Honestly I feel like that is one of the most important parts to blogging. People come to your blog because they are reading your voice. When there are too many sponsors (not relevant to you) it becomes not your voice anymore!
Hollie recently posted…Fitness Magazine #FitblogNYC
Yes! I loved that panel, especially Bianca, she was a wealth of information. It was such a great event, right?
Wow you do a great write up! It was such a pleasure to meet you and put a face/personality to your blog. It was a great event, to be sure.
misszippy recently posted…Fitness Magazine #Fitblognyc
Thanks Amanda! I loved meeting you as well – so glad you made the trip!
Great recap! I was there as well but didn’t take notes to write a recap – fail. lol. It was a great day and really fun to meet other like minded people. The group run was fun too, I’m glad I got to connect with other bloggers! I’ve been wearing my Reeboks non stop too 😉
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Philly Half Marathon Training Week 12
Those Reeboks are super comfy! I’ve been walking to and from my clients in them and I get so many compliments on them as well.
Look at that food spread! om-Nom-NOM!!
I had to downplay my excitement over the food in this recap because otherwise the whole post would have been on the spread. It was so yummy!!
It was so awesome to see you at FitBlog!!! It was such a great event and so good to see everyone. I love how your shots show us all so engrossed on our phones. Haha. Blogger life.
Also, I just wanted to say again how excited I am for your expanding family. You looked really great! 🙂
Britt@MyOwnBalance recently posted…Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet
Blogger life indeed! 🙂 I am super happy I got to see you when you were at your bumptastic peak!
I was so bummed when I realized we forgot to take a photo together!! But it was so lovely to see you and the baby bump. 🙂 And what a thorough recap, I’m definitely linking to your post!
Thanks for linking, Gabby! I can’t believe we didn’t get a photo together, either. I am eagerly awaiting your NYCM recap, too – bummed I didn’t see you, but love the photo of you & your mama with huge smiles post marathon!
Such a fun day! It was great to meet in person! Definitely a highlight of the day
Susan recently posted…500 miles and counting!
LOVED meeting you in person and getting a chance to chat! It was a great event but meeting people IRL makes it that much more fun.
Maybe one year I can plan a NY trip and go (oh, wait – I have to get invited first I guess!!:) – I better start working on all that.
Loved all the pictures on Instagram and reading all the recaps.
Kim recently posted…Why do People Take Advantage of a Kind Act?
You KNOW you have so many people to meet up with in NYC…and a whole bunch of couches to crash on!
LOL at the shoe shots! So good seeing you as always, we should do a playdate soon before it gets cold out!
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…10 Safety Tips for City Running + A Review of the Panasonic Wired Open Ear Headphones
The shoe shot is a classic. 🙂 Loved catching up with you, lady!!
You are just so fancy with all your graphics – love it!!! And (of course) I loved being there and being able to spend time with you. I wish I could come to the city once a month and just run and hang out with all of you!!
Allie recently posted…The Rundown – Birthdays, Breaks & Blog Friends
Ha ha ha ha – you know I’m a PicMonkey addict. Any chance at a fancy font or fun filter and I’m all over it. 😉 You should definitely consider coming to the city once a month for some bloggy hang time. Maybe we should plan a big get-together for the winter.
Pingback: Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet – #FitBlogNYC | Marathons and Macarons
So glad that we got to hang out last week – 3 times! 🙂
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…The PSL Workout {aka The Pumpkin Workout}
I know! Always fun to see you. And three times in a week is unheard of for NYC-ers, ha ha! The scheduling gods were smiling on us.
Fun! Back when I was still in academia, I loved going to conferences, either as an attendee or presenter. It was so reinvigorating to talk with other people in the field, see old friends, and come away with new ideas!
Jessica recently posted…Then and Now: Pregnancy Edition
Reinvigorating is a great word for it – just being around all the other inspiring people in your field gets you excited for what you do all over again.
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Looks like a very fun event. Its pretty obvious you guys had a lot of fun. And those freebies from sponsors, just wow.
Monika @NextLevelFitness recently posted…How to Properly do Bodyweight Squats
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