More Stuff I’m Loving (you can thank me later)

I don’t know if you noticed, but I recently revamped my ‘About‘ page and also freshened up my ‘Favorites‘ page with a few newer posts. I’m working on adding a Blog Roll of all the blogs I love to read, but wow, is that a hard one to edit! I’m always stunned at other bloggers’ blog roll lists, thinking, How do they find the time to read all of those? except now, I discover, my list is just as long.

So all this thinking about favorites made me want to do another Stuff I’m Loving post. You may remember chocolate milk and sunscreen starring prominently in the last one. (I have never claimed to be an incredibly exciting, cutting edge blogger. And I really do love that sunscreen). So, without further ado (and in no order whatsoever, because these are all over the place), here is:

More Stuff I’m Loving

Roman and Running

Here was my Facebook status a few days ago:

Facebook status - More Stuff I'm Loving

I mean, does it get any more adorable? Yes, yes it does. His favorite thing in the whole world to do is to run really really fast, while yelling, “I’m running!! I fast!!” He has also taken to stretching with me after a run, since he and his sitter are generally out on the stoop doing chalk drawing when I get back.

More Things I'm Loving - Roman and running

NYRR Virtual Trainer

I can’t recommend this training program enough. For all of my past races, I’ve either written my own training plans, or followed a free online plan. I really wanted to have something I could follow, track and customize while I was training for the NYC Marathon this year, though, because I was nervous that without a good plan, I would end up injured or DNF. The NYRR Virtual Trainer was $50 for the 16 week plan and believe me, I thought a long time about whether it was worth the money. $50 is not inexpensive, but it is worth EVERY penny. As well as being an easy to follow training plan, it customizes your times as you log your workouts to reflect your current fitness. You also have access to the forum, where you can post questions and their online coaches answer you personally, which I’ve used quite a few times. It’s kept me motivated, the workouts have been varied and interesting and I feel like I am in the best shape of my life heading into the final weeks of training. I’m a HUGE fan.

Tina Fey parody of Girls

Girls is such an awesome show. It really captures being in your early 20s in a big city (and I think it nails NYC on the head). That said, some of the characters and situations either irritate the crap out of me or make me deeply uncomfortable. So, you know, it really captures being in your early 20s in a big city. πŸ˜‰ Tina Fey’s parody on SNL might be the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long while:

My mama-all-over-again Fit Mama Fridays

Fit Mama Friday - Meet ChanaDo you remember when I interviewedΒ Chana Balk, the founder ofΒ Move It MommaΒ for Fit Mama Friday? What I couldn’t tell you in that feature was that she was pregnant! I liked her immediately, because she came racing up to me outside the cafe (we’d never met), grabbed my hand in both of hers, and earnestly told me all in one breath,Β “Oh my god, I was on my way, thinking, ‘She’s going to think I’m a little tubby around the middle for a trainer!’ and I was trying to come up with ways to get around it, but I’m just going to come out and tell you that I am pregnant, so I don’t look like the fit mama you maybe thought you were going to meet and I’m SO EXCITED but not everyone knows so you can’t mention it in your article and I wasn’t going to tell you, but now I have. I’m Chana, by the way.”Β 

Fit Mama Friday - Meet ElliAlso expecting another (sure to be adorable) baby isΒ my dear, dear friend Elli, who was my very first of the Fit Mama Friday series! She’s due in 6 weeks and despite having a sister-in-law who is a professional photographer specializing in family, baby and wedding photography, does not have photos of baby belly #2. Probably because she is answering questions about the meaning of life and quantum physics from her very inquisitive toddler William. Elli tells me she is already looking forward to getting back to doing soft sand running, which has become too uncomfortable for her now.


Fit Mama Friday - Meet TamaraAnd myΒ Fit Mama TamaraΒ just gave birth to her third gorgeous girl! I shared this adorable photo of her two eldest daughters sharing the news via social media a few months ago. So exciting and Tamara’s poor, poor husband in now well and truly out-numbered.

Congrats to my lovely Fit Mamas!

Drunk History

One of my clients sent me the link for this series. The premise is simple and ridiculous. Take a person, get him or her well and truly drunk, then ask them to expound on a historical figure or event. And film it. It’s so hysterical I can’t even explain it.


The fact that one of my awesome clients designed this book cover (and incidentally tells me it’s also an excellent novel)

I was in Barnes & Noble the other day and saw this huge display of Elizabeth Gilbert’s new novel (she wrote Eat, Pray, Love). One of my clients designed the gorgeous book cover. She’s so creative and I LOVE seeing her covers randomly when I’m out browsing. Anyway, as well as being a particularly beautiful cover, my client tells me it’s also an excellent novel. So I will definitely add that to the pile of books I can’t seem to find time to get around to reading I want to read.

Cover Design by Alison Forner

And while I was in the bookstore…. DOMINO!

Are you kidding me? How long has Domino been back on the shelves? I can’t tell you how much I loved this magazine until it folded a few years ago. It was like the fancy home design magazine for people who really couldn’t afford anything in the fancy home design magazines. I am really hoping this is not just a ‘holiday entertaining’ special one-off and it’s truly back!

Domino!!!So there you have it! Another totally random round up of a few things I’ve been enjoying recently.

What would be on your list of things you’re loving right now?

Tell me what books are on your to-read list! πŸ™‚


6 thoughts on “More Stuff I’m Loving (you can thank me later)”

  1. Have you ever tried Kind bars? Chock full of good ingredients (nothing fake) and really delicious!!
    Jayden says Hi!

    1. Judy, I love the Kind bars! I believe it’s actually an Aussie company too. I like the dark chocolate sea salt one (duh!). Hugs for Jayden! πŸ™‚

  2. I love your son’s first question!!! So fitting for you!
    And him stretching on the stairs with you – priceless!!

    1. He loves to stretch with Mama, he thinks it’s so much fun. On Sunday in the park, I had my leg up on a bench, stretching and he was trying to copy me, but his little legs are still too short. It was adorable. πŸ™‚

  3. that’s so cool that your client designed that book cover! that book is definitely on my to-read list. i’m probably one of the only people who hasn’t read “eat pray love” but i hear it’s not that great and has a lot of whining. hopefully this book will get better reviews! they seem to be good so far. also i texted my albanian friend after i saw that ‘girls’ skit and asked her if blerta is a real albanian name. it is, AND my friend said it fit the character tina played PERFECTLY! haha

    1. I liked ‘Eat Pray Love’ *but* yes, it does have its share of whining! ha ha. Anyway, this novel is apparently excellent – it’s on my list for sure. Also – I think I love that skit even more now I know ‘Blerta’ is a real name!!

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