June – saying goodbye to Spring and hello to Summer!
This month we also said goodbye to my parents, who had been here for a few weeks. They’re back in Australia again and we took this photo on their last day with us:
Isn’t is fantastic? This was after about 10 photos of Roman scrunching his face up as hard as possible, screaming, “CHEEEESE!” and me begging him to “Just give me a normal, happy face, PLEASE!” I guess this is his version of normal/happy? Fran thinks he’s praying for the photo shoot to be over. And Tanner had clearly had enough.
Anyway, right before they left, the boys and IΒ went with them to the newly opened observation deck of One World Trade. We picked a (sadly) rainy, miserable day, so we were just hoping it would clear up in time for us to see the view.
It wasn’t to be. We had one moment, when we were looking at whiteout and all of a sudden saw buildings and river and bridges, which lasted all of about 10 seconds. The elevator ride up and back is amazing, though – it almost made up for the lack of view. If you’re being a tourist in NYCΒ on a clear day, it’s worth the admission price (which is steep).
Right after my mum and dadΒ left, Fran’s mom came back from Vermont for a visit. So Roman got to see someone he loved right after a pretty heartbreaking goodbye to his Nanny and Pup. (Three year olds don’t really grasp the whole Australia-is-reeaaaallly-far-away concept.)
Unfortunately, I think I nearly killed Grandma the day after she arrived. I wanted to get the boys out of the house while Fran was trying to work, so I suggested a trip to the Brooklyn Museum – Roman loves it. We walked there, probably almost two miles, then – oops! Closed. So then I suggested we head into Prospect Park to the carousel, which is another pretty good hike on a hot day – oops! Closed! We ended up goingΒ to the zoo near the carousel, really only so we could sit down, eat some lunch and get ready for yet another walk home. Poor Grandma. π

We did get back to the carousel and the nearby splash pad a couple of days later. The carouselΒ is so awesome – I think I love it as much as Roman.
June saw me feeling more like my own self physically and I’m definitelyΒ settling into the mama-of-two life more:

But what was really awesome about June was that I started running and working out again. Hello being outside without either child! Bliss! You can read more about what surprised me about postpartum running here – I definitely feel better this time than I did after my first pregnancy, but it’s still slow going.
Highlights of my other workouts have been swimming and yoga. I can’t remember the last time I swam for fitness until I was in my later pregnancy with Baby T. Now I can’t get enough! I also tried outΒ baby-and-me yoga – holy cuteness. I went with a friend who had her baby around the same time as me and while I thought it was really nice to connect with baby and get a few poses in, there was also a lot of nursing and diaper-changing and singing songs that apparently every other mama knew all the words to, whichΒ my friend and I faked our way through. So I was a little mortified that the next day my abs were sore. Oof.
I’ve actually been getting in some home workouts, too! It feels pretty miraculous to me, but I’m going with it.
As well as my yoga class date, I’ve seen a couple of Β mama friends since I’ve been on maternity leave this month. I gotΒ my sitter for her usual three mornings a week as soon as my parents left, so I could have some one-on-one time with Tanner. So he and I have done a lot of snuggling and playing (he’s laughing now!) and also socializing. Coffee dates and also a playdate with my friend’s daughter who just turned one – I think she loved not being the baby! π
Roman is as crazy and rambunctious as ever. He’s adjusted pretty well to having a little brother, but I think it’s tough for him sometimes. It’s hard to tell what’s normal three-year-old behavior and what might be him acting out. At least when he gets bored, he always finds a way to amuse himself. And a trip to the firehouse nearby never hurts.

This month we had a visit from Fran’s friend Tom, who used to be his boss many, many years ago when Fran worked in a ski shop as a teenager. They became great friends and Tom is like a father figure for Fran. He came all the way from Vermont just for the afternoon, to meet Tanner. π I know we have almost the same photo of him with Roman, too.
Father’s Day weekend was great. On the Saturday we were supposed to have a picnic with friends, but it was raining a little, so we made last-minute plans to go with them to a huge beer garden near us in Brooklyn that we knewΒ was family-friendly during the day. We got there at midday and thought we’d be a little early for the crowds, but it was packed and honestly I’m not sure if anyone there didn’t have kids with them! I guess Park Slope parents know where to get a drink before nap time…!

Father’s Day itself went well for a while…Fran slept uninterrupted until 10am (every parent’s dream), then had breakfast in bedΒ beforeΒ we headed to the annual street fair right near us. It was all fun and games until Roman had a tantrum. Good times. So there are no photos of that delightful occasion, but here are some photos of Fran with his boys:

I have to say how stunning and exciting it was to wake up to the news that SCOTUS had legalized gay marriage in all 50 states! Actually, at first when I checked Facebook that morning I thought a couple we knowΒ had eloped because my friend’sΒ status was, “And now I can pay many of you back with ‘When are YOU getting married?'” I frantically texted to see if City Hall had been one of her stops that morning (I don’t want to miss any possible occasion for cake and champagne)Β only to realize what had actually happened!
Yay! And since I have inundated you with pictures anyway, here are some more of my favorite photos of my two favorite boys:

Some of the posts you may have missed this month:Β
10 Reasons Running a Marathon is Crazy…Crazy Awesome, that is!Β It’s true. It is awesome. AND crazy.
Pinterest Pins That Make Me CRAZY! I guess I had a bit of a crazy theme this month? But really, the insane fitspo pins and the pins masquerading as healthy advice – ugh, it makes me so sad to see them repinned so many times.
20 Tips for Hot Weather Running – because I know you’re all like me and after weeks and months of praying for the summer during our arctic freeze that was winter, you are all now trying not to bitch about the heat and wish it was cold out.
Three Things That Surprised Me About Postpartum Running. The first thing I was surprised by was happy-dance inducing.
Instagram Secrets – Behind the Scenes of My Instagram Feed. Some of the funny stories behind the photos on my feed Β – as well as evidence of theΒ failed shots leading up to the posted masterpiece. π
AND don’t forget – if you live or work near a Blink Fitness, you can win a free year’s membership with my giveaway here! And My GoMacro MacroBars giveaway is open until Friday, July 3, so enter here. (They’re delicious. I just ordered more.)
So that was what went on in June! And just like that, we’re halfway through the year. We’re hanging with our cousins for the holiday this weekend – can’t wait! And I’m so looking forward to fireworks, they never stop being magical.
Any fun plans for July 4th?
Tanner’s hair is the best! As is that family picture with your parents. You have been keeping very busy and it sounds like lots of great memory making to me!
misszippy recently posted…My time in Appalachia
I love his hair so much! Roman’s was the same as a baby, but lighter and thinner, so not as spectacularly mohawky. π
Those cheeks! That hair! I seriously want to make a trip to see you and I don’t care how many places are closed π I’ll walk for miles with those two handsome boys!!!
So glad you’re getting into a 2-boy mama groove. Keep those pictures coming!
Allie recently posted…In 200 Words or Less…An Amazing Opportunity
Come visit me any old time you like. π Seriously.
Carly and Fran,
Each month is a revelation, and very good, especially all the photos. Tanner seems
to have adjusted, smiling even, with a loving family. Can’t wait to meet him this
week-end, with a mirror, so he can see his bountiful beautiful hair!
It was great to see you this weekend, Mary!
ha! As a professional family photographer, your first photo cracks me up. Life is hard for me, isn’t it? ha.. not really. We have tricks.
How nice that three grandparents visited. The best!
Also, #lovewins!!
Tamara recently posted…And You Can Tell Everybody This is Your Love Post.
#lovewins indeed! You should do a post for your tricks with kids because it’s nearly impossible for me to get a good photo of Roman except by accident now that he’s a threenager.;)
Are you from Australia? Do you get down there to visit your parents?
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Miss Independence
I am an Aussie! My brother and his family are there as well as my parents. I don’t get back there nearly as much as I’d like (holy expensive!) but we go probably every couple of years.
Crazy cute kids!!! My 4th is almost 15 months old, but she spent the first 6 months in the Ergo carrier out of necessity! It was the only way I could get anything done π
Jen@jpabstfitness recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday
Yup, Baby T pretty much LIVES in his Bjorn! It is the most indispensable baby product once you have more than one, for sure!